Where are you on your Free Mama journey? Maybe you’re still an employee, on your way to becoming self-employed. (The Free Mama Movement is perfect for showing you how to do that.) Or maybe you’re currently self-employed. (This email is for you.) You’ve already got the clients. You’ve niched down. You’ve raised the rates. You’ve gotten really, really good at what you do. You’ve got the freelancing thing more or less figured out. But there’s still a problem… You’re ready to go bigger. |
I can pinpoint exactly when this happened in my own freelancing journey, and I can often see the shift in my students, too. Sometimes it’s when you get frustrated having to tell new leads that you’re too busy to work with them, losing out on additional revenue. For me, I was maxed out on work time within my lifestyle boundaries but wanted to make more money for my family. You’ve probably heard the saying, “what got you here won’t get you there” and when it comes to scaling a virtual business, that is incredibly true. Because you can only earn so much as a freelancer. When you’re a 1:1 service provider, your earning potential is directly proportional to two things: your rate and your time. But, what if there is a way to remove both of those things from the equation? What if there is a way to take your experience and expertise and help even more people, not say no leads, work less, and make substantially more money? It’s more than possible! Seriously, this month my business made about $40k while I was on a mountain without wifi access, because I built it in a way to support my life, not run it. I’m not telling you this to brag. I’m telling you this, because I’ve made this transition from 1:1 to 1:many myself, and I know exactly what it requires to get there. I also know how to help you get there, if this is what you want, too. It’s time to think differently about your business. And you need something (and someone) to help you get there too. I have an event coming up that will give you even more practical, juicy goodness about scaling a freedom-based business. The event is not for everyone. You have to crawl before you can walk, and walk before you can run. Check out tomorrow’s post to learn more. |