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Remember when I told you it was time to stop getting in your own way?!

I want you to know that there isn’t one type of background, degree or skill set that succeeds in this online world, and you don’t even have to have been doing the same type of work before…

Meet Sam.

Sam started as a cosmetologist but knew it wasn’t for her…but she still stuck that out for 6 years until she had her first baby.

That’s when she went back to school to become a medical assistant, which she loved!

She shared with me that she did that for another 8 years until her 2nd born was 6 months old and “I realized I was done paying a ridiculous amount of money to allow someone else to raise my child and care for him. I was essentially working to send him to daycare for 10 hours a day Monday-Friday.”

Gah, been there.

Sam tried to take a work-from-home job, but it just wasn’t working with her employers expectations.

Trying to work full time and be able to deliver what was expected of her job while having two little ones at home just wasn’t possible for her.

(Or anyone for that matter!)

After 8 months of trying to make it work, Sam dove into the Free Mama Movement.

Check out what she said…

“Exactly 1 year TO THE DAY that I quit my job and doing all of the things Lauren teaches us to do, I started working with a dream client and discovered the world of YouTube Strategy and Management. I became OBSESSED. I spent hours learning how it all worked and figuring out all of the tricks and now, never having had video editing experience or any ‘formal’ SEO training, I have my very own established and flourishing YouTube Strategy and Management business where I get to do EXACTLY what I love with EXACTLY the clients I want to work with.

This year, I am working on transforming my one-woman show into an agency. I am SO incredibly grateful for the things I have learned, and continue to learn, from Lauren!

I don’t know where I would be now if I never watched that original webinar or joined the Facebook group. It’s truly amazing the power that taking one, tiny chance can hold.”

My point in sharing this with you is to show you that things don’t happen overnight.

It takes time to learn new things and figure out your way…

But if you never start, you never try, you won’t ever get to that place at all.

Sam went from cosmetologist to medical assistant to IG strategist to YouTube strategist before she found what lit her up.

Don’t be discouraged that you don’t know where to start or what to do at this moment.

Take the time to learn from people who have walked that path before and dive into your why.

Whatever is pushing you to do this, lean into it.

Sam didn’t want to pay for someone else to raise her babies anymore and she realized working as an employee full time, even from home, just wasn’t for her.

You’ve got options.

Don’t be afraid to take them.

Not sure of what they are? Reply to this email and we’ll tell you the different ways we can support you.

And make sure you keep your eye on your inbox tomorrow because this is just one of the inspiring stories we have lined up for you this week!

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