Freelance 101 for Work at Home Moms

Here it is, mama: Freelance 101! If you’re curious about this whole freelancing thing, you’re not alone. Is it just another type of network marketing or MLM? Are you going to have to sell things to people?

Good news, Mama! Freelancing is TOTALLY different from network marketing and MLMs. For starters, you won’t have to sell anything. Ditch that MLM and forget network marketing!

Freelance 101 for Work at Home Moms is Lauren Golden's latest video answering your most frequently asked questions on starting a virtual assistant business!

On today’s episode of FreeMamaTV, you’re getting a crash course in freelancing. Think of it as Freelance 101 — everything you need to know to start working from home and earning real money today

Check out FreeMamaTV and see why working from home is a smart choice — and how you can get started with Freelance 101!!

Also, did you hear?! Tickets to Free Mama LIVE are on sale for the Early Bird and I don’t want you to miss out!! Here is the thing, mama: the simple truth is, mama, you DO deserve a seat at this table. You belong here. You are smart enough. You are talented enough. And if you need to turn over the decision to someone else (Me!) for now, that’s okay. So, head on over and get the details!

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