What would you say if I told you there are clients willing to pay top dollar for you to write emails? And what if I had a friend who could teach you everything you need to know to get those clients to pay YOU top dollar to write emails? |

You’ve probably heard me say once or twice that the first freelancer I hired at the Free Mama Movement was a copywriter. Do you know WHAT I hired her to write? Email. Specifically, an email sequence, which is just a fancy name for a bunch of email messages we automatically send someone when they sign up for a training or download a free handout. So, for example, if you signed up to watch my free training on the Freedom Framework, you got a series of emails afterwards, inviting you to enroll in The Free Mama Movement. Anyway, I hired a copywriter to write those emails for me. I paid her $1200, because she was still kind of new at writing email sequences. Let me repeat that. I paid her $1200 for something she was kind of new at. In other words, people pay A LOT for email sequences. In fact, today, that same copywriter — my friend Abbi Perets — teaches her students to charge AT LEAST $750 for their VERY FIRST email sequence. Most of her students quickly get to the point where they’re charging $2000 or more. (And some of them charge a lot more than that.) So, I asked Abbi if we could help YOU get in on this goodness. And she put together a 90 minute training to show YOU how to get paid $2000 OR MORE to write premium email sequences for clients. You can join us and get: -A live overview of what email sequences are, and why ALL of your clients need them -A live, step-by-step walkthrough of a welcome email sequence you can IMMEDIATELY use and sell to clients -A live Q&A with Abbi — ask ALL your questions and get DETAILED answers on the spot It’s on December 6 at 10 am Central. Yes, there’s a replay, and we’ll even send you the slides so you don’t miss a thing. PLUS, you’ll ALSO get: -A detailed workbook you can use to map out welcome sequences for your own clients -A copy of a welcome email sequence you can adapt and use for your own clients -Abbi’s discovery call script so that you know EXACTLY how to pitch this premium service to your clients Basically, at the end of this 90-minute workshop, you’ll have what you need to go out and get work. And it’s just $30. Which is INSANE. So, what do you say? Are you ready to invest $30 and 90 minutes to learn a $2000 skill? Just click here to sign up. |