Steal my step-by-step process for getting stuff DONE.

So, mama, did you hear I launched a podcast?

via Late Night with Seth Meyers on GIPHY

Funny story. One of my coaching clients recently asked me about something I said. I mentioned that when I set goals, I KNOW I’ll hit them, and my student wanted to know HOW I knew that. 

I thought about it for a few minutes, and I thought that my podcast was the perfect example.

See, back at the end of 2019, I started thinking about my 2020 goals. I knew I wanted to launch a podcast — and do a whole bunch of other things. 

Guess what? We can’t actually do all the things we want to do all the time, so my very first step was to make a big, giant list of everything I wanted to do — and then decide which of those goals I’d actually work on in 2020. SPOILER ALERT: The podcast made the list.

Then it was time to figure out WHEN in 2020 I’d launch the podcast — and again, it had to fit in with everything else that I’d be working on this year. Together with my team, I determined that FreeMama Radio would be a Q2 project — specifically, we’d launch it in May, for my birthday. 🥳

So think about that for a second: back in December 2019, I already knew that in May, I’d be launching a podcast. That meant I had five months to do all the planning and preparation.

I knew that by February, I’d need systems in place, which meant that I needed to start researching and figuring stuff out in January. 

In other words, back in January, I was already blocking off time on my calendar to work on the podcast I just launched a few weeks ago. 

What does this mean for you and your goals? Do you know how to crush your goals?

Well, it starts with the simple fact that writing down your goals isn’t enough. Making a vision board isn’t enough. That’s not to say that you shouldn’t do those things — writing down goals and creating vision boards can be a really important part of the process — but on their own, they won’t get you past the finish line. 

Lauren Golden of The Free Mama is giving you her step by step process for getting things done, and How to Crush Your Goals and take massive action!
via think! on GIPHY

After you write down the goal, you need to figure out what all the steps are to get you from where you are right now to where you want to be. And that can be tricky if you’re doing something for the first time. I’d never started a podcast before, so I had no idea what I’d have to do. That’s why I blocked off time to research things, and then I found someone who HAD already done this before, so my research started there. I looked at the step-by-step work other people had done, and followed their path to success.

Let’s say you want to, oh, I don’t know, launch a freelance virtual assistant business. You’ve never done that before, but you know that there’s a 12-week program out there. You can either invest in that program and figure that it will take you more or less 12 weeks to get up and running, or you can decide to put in more time and energy to do the research on your own, and it’ll probably take you longer than 12 weeks. 

Maybe you want to write a book. You’ve never written a book before, so you start looking at people who have written books, and check out what they did each day. You can build your own program that way — or, again, you can invest in a course or a program that will give you the step-by-step process and break it down for you.

The point is, you have to figure out, one way or another, all the smaller steps that go into hitting your goal. You have to schedule time to do each of those steps. And then you have to show up and do the work that you’ve planned. That’s how to crush your goals.

If you skip any of those steps, you won’t get to cross that goal off your list.

Yes, reaching your goals takes time and effort. It takes work. But I’m willing to bet that there’s nothing on your list that hasn’t been done before — which means that it can be done, you LEARN how to crush your goals. 

Ready to crush your goals? I can’t wait to see what you do!

P.S. If you want even more detail on what I did, step-by-step to get FreeMama Radio up and running, be sure to check out this episode of FreeMamaTV, where we take you through the entire process. 

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