A Tale of Two Weekends

Lauren Golden of The Free Mama talks about investing in yourself and investing in your marriage, outside of freelance virtual administrative business.A couple months ago, my coach posted that she’d be hosting a mastermind weekend in Las Vegas in October. Within minutes, I had booked plane tickets, because I knew that I wanted to be there — for myself and for my business.

Here’s the thing: I booked those tickets before I knew who would take care of my children (I have three, in case you’re counting). I booked those tickets before I worked out the details.

Leap, and the net will appear.

First say yes, then figure out how.

Pick whatever mantra you want, sometimes, you have to take bold action to move forward.

And yes, I am talking about you and your business, mama. That client you’re afraid to pitch? That service you’re hesitant to offer? Get out there and do it!

COMMIT. Show up. Say yes — and then worry about the how. Because you know enough now. You’re good enough now. And waiting is only going to delay the start of the rest of your life.

And Mama, don’t think that I’m perfect over here. I’ve had to do some hard work to get to this place. Past Lauren might not have been able to take this action.


But Present Lauren knows that logistics will always be overwhelming — and they can still be managed. More importantly, Present Lauren understands the importance of moving forward all the time.

Honestly, Mama, if you weren’t scared some of the time, I’d be worried about you. Change is HARD. But the results are GOOD.

And here’s another thing Present Lauren knows: Brittany Spears and Bruno Mars are AWESOME.

…what does that have to do with anything, you wonder? Well, let me tell you.

Last year, I surprised my car-loving husband with tickets to the Formula One race in Austin. For him, it was all about cars, racing, and free alcohol. For me, it was about Justin Timberlake. And free alcohol.

So when the reminder popped up about this year’s Formula One event, the part that spoke to my heart was the part about Brittany Spears and Bruno Mars.

A kid-free weekend with great music, free drinks, no kids — yeah, that was a no brainer.

For example, I saw a post on Facebook recently by a mom who is open about her attachment parenting choices. She believes that her children can only feel safe and loved when they are with her. But, her post was full of resentment.

However, Mama, this is NOT about your parenting choices. We all want the best for our children, and that can look different for each of us. Heck, it can look different for each kid!

My own parenting style, for example, has evolved over the years. My first two children were exclusively breastfed for a long time. They were lovingly cloth diapered, and their baby food, when it was introduced, was handmade by me.

My third child eats cat food. #nojudgement

MY POINT IS that resentment doesn’t look good on anyone.

If you’re at the point where you resent your children, you need a break. What that looks like varies — it could be a daily 5 am run, a weekly coffee with a friend, a monthly massage, or a weekend away with your husband — or something else entirely.

It’s important to miss your kids and to let yourself feel that. To connect with your husband. It’s important not to resent your family.

What are you doing to invest in yourself, your marriage, your business, your life, Mama?

Take a good look at your cup, and if it’s empty, think about how you can fill it.

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