Lost your mojo, Mama?

Lauren Golden of The Free Mama movement shares what to do if you've lost your mojo, and what is holding you back from getting and staying motivated.
Heeeeey there, Mama! 

October! Halloween! Fall! Leaves! Yeah, I’m a little excited. I live in Houston, where we basically have 937 days of hot and humid summer, four days of fall, a day of winter, and then back to summer. Allow me to revel in my four days of fall. 🤠

If you’re feeling in a bit of a slump, Mama, like you lost your mojo, you’re definitely not alone. Lots of Free Mamas have been talking about how they’re just not motivated lately.

You know, you come off of summer with all these big plans for September, because the kids are heading back to school. You’re going to do big, huge, amazing things! You spent all of August dreaming about how productive you would be in September.

And you rocked it out. You put in the time and you worked and you got so many things done. And then the calendar turned over, and you realized that even though you did a LOT in September, there is STILL work to be done now.

Well, that’s a bit of a party pooper.
The thing is, it does take work and effort to build your freelancing business. You’re not wrong — it is hard.

Now, that doesn’t mean that it’s too hard for you and that you can’t succeed. But it does mean that you’ll have to keep yourself motivated to get up every morning and Do. The. Work.

So… how are you supposed to stay motivated? It comes down to three things, so let’s take a look.

Thing #1: Get super clear on your WHY.

There’s a reason you want to be a freelancer. What is it? It’s more than just “being with your kids” or “making money.” It’s deeper than that, and knowing what your why is will help you focus on what really matters.

A big part of my why was about being more present as a mom. I saw myself walking my daughter to school every day, sitting with her to do homework in the afternoon, spending time playing at the park — I knew what I wanted our life to look like.

And when I moved to Texas, I had to build my business from scratch. There were days when I thought that it would actually be easier to just get a job. In fact, one day my husband even suggested it! But my WHY kept me going. I knew what I wanted: to walk Daphne to and from school, and no one was going to take that from me!

Get super clear on your why, Mama, because it will keep you going when things get tough.

Spoiler: things do get tough.


Thing #2: Know your business goals.

Having a packed to-do list can make you feel really busy — but busy isn’t the same as productive, and even productive isn’t the same as crushing your goals. If you’re filling your days with things that aren’t getting you to the right place, you’re not going to get results.

I’m a fan of setting measurable, time-based goals. So, for example, if your goal is to land 3 new clients, that’s great, but by when do you want to do that? In the next 8 years? Or by the end of next month? And then, what needs to be in your Daily Five to get you to that goal?

If you’re putting the right things on The Daily Five, you’ll be working towards your goals and making real progress. But if you don’t align your daily action with your goals, you’re going to be exhausted — which is hardly motivating. It’s actually, like, the opposite of motivating.


Thing #3. Do stuff that makes you happy.

Sometimes, it can feel like there’s this giant competition to see whose life is hardest and who is the most miserable.

Mama, step AWAY from that race. Find things — even little things — that make you happy, and do them.

You may be in a season where you’re working 14 hours a day and then coming home to laundry and dishes. I’ve been there, and I know that it’s hard to take a little bit of time for yourself, but I’m telling you that it’s worth it. A 10-minute break with a cup of tea in your favorite mug, a shower with that scented body wash you love, or even just a phone call with a good friend can help you recharge.

It doesn’t cost you any extra to drink enough water every day — and it’ll make a huge difference in how you feel.

And mama, if you’re exhausted all the time, take a look at your sleep habits. If you’re staying up until midnight or 1am and getting up at 5am, you’re not doing anyone any favors.



What is so critically important that you must stay up late at night? I know that a lot of mamas say, “But that’s my time for myself.” I hear you — but can I suggest something? Work on getting the sleep you need, and you’ll have more energy to put in the work you need to do to create the life you really want.

You can find your way back, Mama. You can do this. Come on into the Facebook group and let us support you!

P.S. I had an AMAZING time recording this episode of She Did It Her Way with Amanda Boleyn. We talked about how important it is to value the work you do for others. It would mean the world to me if you’d give it a listen — and share it with a mama who you think needs to hear this message!

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