Does your contract really cover you?

Everything you need to know about the legal side of your business.

Starting a business and working from home is awesome — but it does mean that you have to figure out a few legal issues. LLC? Sole proprietor? Do you need trademarks? What about contracts? YIKES. So what’s a mama to do when it comes to sole proprietorship vs single member LLC?

Not sure if you should have a sole proprietorship vs single member llc?!  Lauren Golden of The Free Mama brought her attorney on to answer your FAQ!
via BBC Three on GIPHY

Mama, I’ve got you covered with a special guest on FreeMamaTV — my amazing attorney, Kailey Jacomet. She’ll give you all the details on business entities, contracts, trademarks and more — in plain English. By the end of this episode, you will know exactly whether or not you need a sole proprietorship vs single member LLC for your business!

Head on over to YouTube so you can learn your legal rights and responsibilities, run your business with confidence, and protect your brand.

Also — click this link to subscribe so that you don’t miss a single episode!

Like last week’s for example…I am giving you the scoop on the best freelance job sites to find clients, and what you should (and should not be doing) to land the client!

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