Start your virtual assistant business on a budget

The BEST free and low-cost tools to use!

Starting a business is exciting — and potentially expensive. 

But guess what, mama? You can actually start an incredible virtual assistant business — the kind that brings in as much as $2000 or more every month — for less than $10 a month. Starting a virtual assistant business on a budget IS POSSIBLE!

Lauren Golden of The Free Mama is giving you exact steps on starting a virtual assistant business on a budget (FOR UNDER $100!!!)!
via The Circle on GIPHY

On today’s episode of FreeMamaTV, we’re walking you through what you need right now to get started. And the best news? You won’t need to invest more than $10/month total to create a completely professional online workplace that clients will LOVE.

Head on over to FreeMamaTV so that you can rock out your business without breaking the bank and you can get a headstart to starting your virtual assistant business on a budget!

Don’t forget to subscribe so that you don’t miss a single episode – you can do that right here!

If you’re still wondering if you can do this whole virtual assistant thing without any experience, last week’s episode of FreeMamaTV is just for you!

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