Systems for Virtual Business Owners

It Takes a Village to Raise a Mama

…Or if you don’t have a village at your disposal you can use systems. Systems are intentional processes that you create to make your life simplified. They can be designed to assist you in any area of your life from grocery shopping to managing household chores to your freelance business.

The following is a guide to show you how to best incorporate or improve systems in your daily life.

These first two steps are done simultaneously and it is not about making changes yet, just finding the holes.

Take inventory of your schedule for an entire week, not one day because each daily schedule may differ-some days your son has preschool, some days your partner might be home, you get the point.

As you take inventory and detail your schedule take note of what is working and what is
not working and stressing you out. WRITE IT DOWN. Because mom brain is a very real and you will forget.

Use technology for this step such as a calendar planner like gsuite. It comes with your google email account and is one of the best planners because it can be shared, color coded and has a drive with free documents and spreadsheets (similar to Microsoft Office, that you have to pay for!).

Take your inventory and calendar and see how you can make things easier. Simplify. Things that are not easy can be made simple.

Here is where the changes start to happen.

Add technology, such as Amazon, grocery delivery systems, gsuite (if you haven’t already done so in the first steps). Remove anything or tasks that are not needed. For example hand washing dishes more than once per day when there are other tasks to complete, like snuggling your baby or returning emails.

Once you have identified the things you love and hate to do and created your systems. Delegate the tasks to your kids, partner, and outsource if you are able.
Incorporate intentional multitasking where you are able. For example doing lunges while you wait for your coffee to reheat in the microwave or checking emails while nursing your baby.

Once you have created and implemented systems that best fit your life tasks will become streamlined and you will feel less stressed and more organized.

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