the success tip a teenager taught me

Yesterday I listened to a teenager who is making hundreds of thousands of dollars online reselling shoes.


I’m in Phoenix, Arizona at a Clickfunnels event. But it isn’t a normal business conference. This one is called Unlock the Secrets, and it’s an event for families.

Half of the speakers cannot even vote yet, and have made more money than I ever got paid at any 9-5 job.

Audrey and Henry are more interested in the food and games, but Daphne is SUPER into it.

While I’m still here, I wanted to share with you some of my biggest takeaways so far in case they also help you (or your kiddos) take the next step:

1. Our limiting voices are there to protect our Ego from feeling badly. Ever told yourself you’re not good enough so you don’t even try? The problem is that by protecting our ego we can destroy our life.

2. Ever not feel supported by the friends and family in your life? That’s because people don’t want you to change for the better, they want you to stay just like them.

3. When you help your customers/clients find the “easy button”, they will buy from you…. How are you making your clients’ lives/decisions even easier?

4. Want to know what success habits a child millionaire recommended to a kid in the audience? Just 4 things to incorporate into your daily routine to change your life: watch one educational video, read, meditate/pray, and publish something valuable online…every…day!

5. “Don’t think, just do!”

This last one was the secret to that teenager’s multi-six-figure success, not shoes.

He gave an entire presentation on how his messy action and consistent publishing online eventually clicked and started producing crazy results.

There isn’t ANY one service, product or tactic that will get you where you want to be.

But if you’re sitting back thinking about every little thing instead of actually doing it you certainly will not get there.

So, which takeaway landed with you right now?

Hit reply and let me know. I’d love to read your comments while I’m soaking in Day 3 tomorrow!

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