This won’t happen overnight but when it does, get ready

I’m not going to lie…sharing all of these Free Mama spotlights is getting me pretty pumped.

So pumped that you’ll want to stick around until the end of this to hear what I am doing about it. 

Today I want to tell you about Jessica.

Jessica was previously an industrial engineer that led a team of engineers from all over Texas.

After she had her second son she decided to stay at home with her little ones and try out an MLM…

Like many of us, including me, Jessica soon found out that business model took a ton of her time and energy with very little reward, so she looked into something different.

She went on to get certified as a professional airbrush makeup artist and as she gained clients in this space, she found herself doing makeup for a ton of weddings and her Saturdays were soon all booked up…those Saturdays were prime days for her son’s sporting events and she quickly realized that wasn’t the goal in all of this either!

She said, “As my boys continued to grow up, I kept looking for something that would fill me up and something I could do that would allow me to not run around town, and work from home. I loved being a mom, but I knew I needed something for myself, too.”

Like many of you here, a Google search of how to stay at home and make money as a mom landed her here in the Free Mama Movement.

Jessica actually found out that I lived in Texas at the time as well and signed up for our first Free Mama event after learning about it from all of the videos she consumed on YouTube!

She decided to enroll for the Free Mama Movement the day before the event.

She said, “I was so excited and somehow I knew this was going to change my life. Literally the day before the event, I decided to sign up for The Free Mama Movement course. It was truly the most life-changing event and being surrounded by so many like-minded and successful women was so exciting.”

At that event, she started hearing about podcasting and it caught her attention, but she didn’t start in this niche.

She actually began freelancing as a social media manager, but it didn’t feel like the fit she was looking for.

She tried Funnel Hacking…it was interesting, but still not for her.

She had one potential client that wanted to launch a podcast and she decided to help her and that’s where it all began for Jessica!

She now offers complete podcast management which includes audio editing, show notes writing, audio/videograms, guest management, and of course podcast launches, with a bit of video editing for YouTube and corporate clients thrown in there, too.

Her clients are some of the most interesting people that interview amazing guests from authors and Oxford professors to celebrities!

Jessica shared something so important that I want you to take in right now…

“Finding your perfect niche might not happen overnight, but it will come to you, you just need to start with something because the skills you learn along the way will be beneficial for the niche you end up with. Even though social media management wasn’t my love, I do use the skills I learned doing this by making my client’s posts and audio/videograms for their podcast episodes as well as Podcast Cover Art.”

Read that again…IT DOESN’T HAPPEN OVERNIGHT but it will come to you through action!

Mama, you don’t have to have it all figured out before you start.

There is no perfect time to start your business, invest in a course to help get you there, hire a coach, quit your job, etc.

There will ALWAYS be something that you could use to hold you back.

If you want options, if you want something different, you have to take the chance.

Jessica heard about an event happening in Houston from some girl (me, ha!) she saw on YouTube.

She took the chance, she registered for that event just days before it started, and actually signed up for the Free Mama Movement Course BEFORE the event because she wanted something different for her future.

The last thing she said in her interview was, “I will be forever grateful for Lauren and her vision for her company. I would not be where I am today without her guidance throughout my online business journey.”

Jessica, I will be forever grateful for you being here and sharing your amazing journey with me and this community.

You deserve everything you have worked for! Keep crushing it, mama!

Are you ready to be like Jessica?

To take the leap, the risk, the chance on yourself?

If you have been reading these stories and you’re feeling inspired I want to invite you to join me in the Free Mama Movement.


What, you ask?

Anyone who joins us in The Free Mama Movement course this week is getting:

 A private 1:1 call with me as you get started (we’ll talk goals, fears, strategy, etc.)
 One month of access to the Squad group coaching program
 All 6 of the trainings of the Riches in the Niches Workshop Series (learn all about niching down)

I am going to dive into the juicy details in my emails this week, but if you are ready to dive in NOW you can join us here.

This opportunity closes this Friday (July 1) at MIDNIGHT so if you have any questions hit reply and send them over!

Excited for you to be our future Free Mama spotlight,

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