Mama, have you ever believed any lies about yourself?
You’re human, so you probably have. 😉
Here are some I hear a lot:
I’m not smart enough.
I’m just a mom.
Running a business is for people more ___than me.
Why would anyone pay me to do something for them?
And those are just the ones I thought of in 5 seconds. I could list many, many more after working with thousands of women over the past 3+ years.
Why do we do this to ourselves? Why do we let these thoughts into our heads and set up camp there?
The answer to this question could go REALLY deep, but I challenge you to think about why you believe any of these things about yourself.
Did someone tell you that at some point in your past? Did you have an epic failure at something that scarred you from trying again? Do you see other people around you who are successful, and assume they must have it all together?
Yes, this lesson of Free Mama Summer School isn’t a skills-focused one. The actual tasks you’ll do as a freelancer can be relatively easy — especially with the right resources — but the mindset work is what will take you from where you are now to the next level, and way beyond.
Making the mistake of ignoring the mindset aspect of running your business because you assume it’s fluff people talk about to sell books, is nearly guaranteed to keep you from having the success you want.
It’s work that you should never stop doing or prioritizing, and I assure you that ANY successful entrepreneur will tell you the same.
My question?
That’s why I wanted to share this video with you from February 2019 when I posed the question: what are you saying about yourself when you say that everyone else has it all together?
Starting a business is the greatest personal development course you’ll ever take. And if you want to start doing the mindset work, might I suggest that you check out the Free Mamas Unite recordings, which you can currently get for just $27?
People let you see what they want you to see…and many people (myself included!) are going to put their best foot forward most of the time. That doesn’t mean you’re doing anything wrong because all you can see at the moment is the syrupy pancake your kids crushed into the carpet and the fact that you haven’t been able to grab a shower in a couple of days. 😩
It’s way too easy to get caught up in the comparison game and react emotionally to things.
What if, instead of replaying all the lies that tell you you CAN’T have a successful business, you turned them around to…
Firstly, I am able to have a fulfilling freelancing business.
Secondly, I am able to learn new skills.
Thirdly, I am able to invest in myself.
Finally, I am able to go after what I want.