STOP juggling everything

Uh, mama?

There’s no way you can keep all those balls in the air forever. 

Looking for a work from home mom schedule template that ACTUALLY works? If you're looking to get more organized and efficient, don't miss this!
via InBloomWorkshops on GIPHY

I know how much you have on your plate right now. 

Kids. Work. Your business. Whatever school is for your family right now. Laundry. Cooking. 

It’s a lot.

And trying to fit everything into your day can feel just about impossible.  Don’t you wish you had a magic genie who could just *poof* give you a work from home mom schedule template that WORKS?

That is why today on FreeMamaTV, I’m sharing my strategy for building a schedule that actually works for you — and lets you get all your work done. 

Imagine if you could fit time for fun into your day without feeling guilty.

Imagine if you had 

  • More time for all the things you care about.
  • More energy for your family and your work.
  • Clearer boundaries between the two parts of your life so that you don’t have to waste time feeling guilty in either area. 

That’s what you’ll find when you check out today’s episode of FreeMamaTV! AND I am going to be telling you how you can snag your very own work from home mom schedule template that we created just for you!

Be sure & to subscribe to FreeMamaTV so you can be the first to know when a new episode airs!

P.S. Did you happen to hear the latest episode of Free Mama Radio? Special Guest Stacy Tuschl is on and she’s going to be giving some tough love on how to stop overthinking and how to start taking action! Listen now!

And if you want even MORE Free Mama TV good, check out last week’s episode on proofreading! Did you know you can get paid to call out people’s spelling mistakes? It’s true! If this is something you would love, definitely watch this episode!

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