“We committed to finding a solution for moms just like us”

help for nursing moms

Q&A with Priya Nembhard

Have you ever seen a man try to figure out a breast pump?

Neither had I until I came across this video on Facebook as a special Father’s Day shout out to nursing moms last month. It was cute and clever and showed some serious support from a husband to what his wife went through to feed their child.

The video was posted by Moms Pump Here, a service that helps breastfeeding moms locate a clean place to nurse or pump while on the go all from a smartphone. Why didn’t I think of that?!

It turns out this App is just one of the successful businesses co-creator Priya Nembhard has up her nursing bra. I couldn’t wait chat more with this mompreneur extraordinaire.

Self-promo time. What do you do?

I’m a serial entrepreneur who loves talking about topics I’m passionate about. I once applied to be an astronaut with NASA, ran a couple of marathons, broke a state dead lift record when I was 17 and my life goal is to save the planet.

I am the Co-Founder of Moms Pump Here, the Nursing Room Locator App helping moms find, rate and share places to breastfeed and breast pump around the world. I am also the Founder of a non-profit in Miami, The EDGE Charitable Foundation, Co-owner of the digital media company, Blue Box Media and a bunch of side projects that remind me that I’m human.

What is a typical day like for you?

An entrepreneur’s life is a constant hustle…brainstorming 24/7. Thinking about your next move and what you need to accomplish. So work tends to happen most of the day if I am not careful. I do love to start my day with a cup of black coffee and quiet. So if the kids sleep late it’s like a mini vacation every morning.

Where did the inspiration come from for Moms Pump Here?

My business partner, Kim Harrison, and I are both moms of 3. We both breastfed and breast pumped for our children. We have also known each other since college. Kim contacted me one day complaining about the horrible experience she had looking for a place to pump at the Jacob Javits Center in Manhattan while attending a conference. She had to resort to using a dirty bathroom stall. We both thought that no mom should have to go through that. No one would eat in a bathroom, why should we nurse our children or prepare their food in one. So we committed to finding a solution for moms just like us and Moms Pump Here was born!

[tweetthis remove_twitter_handles=”true” remove_hidden_hashtags=”true” remove_hidden_urls=”true”]”No one would eat in a bathroom, why should we nurse our children or prepare their food in one.” #momspumphere[/tweetthis]

Where’s the strangest place you’ve pumped?

My wedding! My husband and I did everything backwards. I had my first 2 children prior to getting married. My daughter was born 2 months before my wedding. So I had to run to the bathroom, which happened to have a small lounge in it, to pump. Plus I had to wear nursing pads under my dress to absorb leakage.

help for nursing moms

Finish this sentence. Before I had kids, I wish someone had told me…

To not be so serious or to rush. We should have traveled a little bit more before getting married exploring the world, going camping or just being more adventurous. But then again everything happens the way it’s supposed to.

How have your professional goals changed since starting a family of your own?

I prefer to be home and have the flexibility to be with my family. It’s also more important now to leave a legacy for them. Professionally, it’s more about changing the world {for the better} for them and their children.

What’s your best advice for working moms?

Balance will always seem like it’s unattainable, especially if you have more than one child. Be kind to yourself. We are living on a tiny blue ball rotating around a massive sun among millions of stars in a galaxy among trillions of galaxies in a multi-verse. At the end of the day we are all just stardust.

[tweetthis remove_hidden_hashtags=”true” remove_hidden_urls=”true”]”Balance will always seem like it’s unattainable…be kind to yourself.” @MomsPumpHere [/tweetthis]

What’s the one accomplishment you’re most proud of?

My children are easy first place winners. But professionally there is so much. One major milestone is coming up for me next year. My Foundation, the EDGE, will celebrate its 10 yr anniversary. I put my blood, sweat and tears into building the organization and helping so many children. This past January I stepped down from my Vice President position after serving in the role for 8 years, to become Board Emeritus. And to bring it full circle my children grew up in the EDGE. It’s a part of who they are forever.

I’m on a quest to having it all. Do you think you have it all?

Having it all for me means my children are happy and loved. There is no point in changing the world for the better if they’re not. Physically it also means sitting on my boat, under a beautiful night sky with my telescope, with calm in my heart and a glass of wine in my hand. Of course, with my kids and husband. No wine for the kids.

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