Do you call yourself a working mom?

Lauren Golden of The Free Mama -  I've been thinking about how I describe myself. 10 time out of 10 I'm a working mom, & these two words sum up my two biggest accomplishments.

Lately I’ve been thinking about how I describe myself.

I’m a wife, mother, daughter, sister, cousin, and aunt. I am an entrepreneur, a marketer, a blogger, and an iced coffee enthusiast. Also, I’m a feminist, overly candid, hilarious {if I do say so myself}, passionate, ambitious, and so much more.

And yet 10 times out of 10, I call myself a working mom.

Now, I’m usually not one to jump to labeling people, because as you can see there is a lot more to me than being a working mom. And yet, this is a core part of who I am right now at this stage in my life.

If you’re reading this I bet you can relate.

Becoming a mom is a transformation unlike any other. I’ve truly never known a love like the one I feel for my children. My husband laughs at me because there are times I just look at our three miracles and could make myself cry I just love them so much! I have yet to meet another mom who doesn’t feel the same way about her own.

Now I am blessed with 3 kids five and under. Let me tell you being a mom in itself is a full-time job. An exhausting, often-times thankless, totally rewarding job. I will never work harder at anything in my life than I do at raising them.

Growing up with a stay at home mom {one of the hardest working ones, at that}, I didn’t think much about the different ways motherhood could look for me. But when my husband and I welcomed our first child, it wasn’t a financial possibility for me to stay home.

I soon realized, however, that I enjoy the fulfillment I get from my career. Of course, I miss my babies like crazy when I work, but I also felt like I am a better mom when I was home with them after working. Plus, I was blessed with an incredibly supportive husband.

It didn’t take long for me to embrace my “working” mom title.

[tweetthis remove_twitter_handles=”true” remove_hidden_hashtags=”true” remove_hidden_urls=”true”]Whatever you want to call it, I’m proud to be it #workingmom #momboss #mompreneur [/tweetthis]

I find it empowering that I’m able to care for my family both emotionally and financially. I’ve built a business that works exactly the way I want it to for the work-from-home lifestyle I designed for myself.

Identifying as a working mom has also provided me a sense of community with other working moms who are juggling a family and career.

Those of us who leave our children during the day in the hands of others so that we can provide for our families and do something we love face unique parenting challenges.

Often times we feel like we’re missing out. We can’t attend all of the play dates, Gymboree classes and school parties. We have to choose between the extra dose of snuggles or tending to the household in the few hours we’re home and not working before our own bedtime. Finding time for ourselves and for our spouses can feel almost impossible.

When we’re at work, we think about our family. When we’re at home, we think about our work.

At the end of the day, we just wonder if everyone got everything they needed us.

In spite of the extra challenges of being a working mom, it’s a label I will proudly wear throughout this part of my life.

Whether you’re working because you want to or because you have to, there’s a good chance that if you sat down with another working mom you’d probably have a lot in common. If you’re looking for a group of like-minded mamas, I invite you to join our working moms Facebook group! I can’t wait to meet you!