Raise your hand if you’ve seen this before.
61 comments. And at least 60 of those are, “PICK ME, PICK ME!”
How the heck are you supposed to find clients in Facebook groups when that’s what you’re up against?
Well, there are definitely things you should NOT do… and I also have the details on the ONE thing that WILL work — big time.
Let’s start with what won’t work — so you don’t waste your time on it.
- Don’t post something like this:
Hey there! Mods — Delete if not allowed.I’m a VA and I offer the following services! I’d LOVE to connect with the people here, so I’m offering a FREE consult. Just click here to book a FREE call with me!
There two major issues with this kind of post. First, anytime I see “Delete if not allowed,” I know that the person who wrote the post couldn’t even be bothered to look up the rules of the group. If you’re trying to demonstrate that you’re detail-oriented, you just failed. Plus, rude.Second, this is a self-promo post, and people really, but REALLY don’t like it when you come into a community they’ve created and curated and try to make money off their work. Just don’t.
- Don’t go to groups where people just like you are hanging out and expect to find work.
For example, you’re probably a member of The Free Mama Facebook Group. (If you’re not… um, WHY NOT?) That group is full of other mamas who ALSO want to be freelance Virtual Administrative Consultants, so there’s NO POINT in posting about your amazing services.
Yes, sometimes a mama will come in looking to hire out a specific project, but you shouldn’t view peer groups as a place to find clients.
So, how CAN you use Facebook to get clients?
By mastering the art of storytelling.
What’s that?
Well, let’s say that you’re a Pinterest Manager. You can go into groups where the kind of people who HIRE Pinterest Managers are hanging out. And you could post something like this.…
Two months ago, I broke up with Pinterest. I mean, I was totally DONE. No matter how much I put into the relationship, Pinterest never delivered ANYTHING in return.
But then, I don’t know, something changed. Pinterest changed. I changed. I figured out THREE things I needed to do to drive traffic EXACTLY where I wanted it.
Value Thing 1 distilled down to 1-2 sentences.
Value Thing 2 distilled down to 1-2 sentences.
Value Thing 3 distilled down to 1-2 sentences.
Are you and Pinterest on a break right now?
Let’s look at what you’re doing with a post like this.
For starters, you’re posting it in a group where it might actually help people. Not a group of other Pinterest Managers, but rather a group where online business owners who are NOT primarily Pinterest Managers hang out.
Next, you’re talking about what you do in an engaging way. Anyone who’s ever been frustrated by Pinterest can immediately relate. You’re providing real value, and opening the door for conversation.
You’re NOT writing a blog post and pretending it’s a value bomb.
You’re NOT pitching people.
You’re starting a conversation and building a relationship.
You’re becoming known for something — which lets people know when they should turn to you for help.
When you share a story, people will comment. They’ll ask questions. And you can answer those questions and give more value. And if it’s appropriate, you can invite people to connect with you, to go deeper. To take the relationship to the next level.
And it never, ever has to feel icky or smarmy.
We workshop a lot of storytelling tips and feedback in my coaching programs, so if this is a skill you need to work on, that’s one resource you can consider.
You can also start practicing — tell your story on your Facebook page, on Instagram, or whoever else you’re hanging out on social media.
Practice your storytelling, Mama, and use it to connect with amazing clients! And if you have any other questions on freelancing, I can bet you that I have answered them right here for you!