Are you willing to learn?

You know that feeling when you’re watching your baby to put together all kinds of new concepts? And you just think, Wow, I have the smartest baby in the world!

I’ve been going through that with Audrey lately. I remember going through this with my other kids, too, and it’s such a delight. I absolutely love watching as my kids learn new things and explore the world around them.

That Audrey can go from not speaking, to having a handful of words, to having actual conversations? It blows my mind.

You’ve seen that, Mama, haven’t you? You’ve seen how your toddler takes those first tentative steps, or recognizes his name. You’ve seen your kids learn to read. And it’s amazing.

Hold that reality in your mind for a moment. Babies are born and they don’t know how to do… well, anything, really. And they learn. They try. It takes them time and practice and patience, but they get it in the end.

You know where I’m going with this, right Mama? You can do this, too. You can start right where you are and learn all kinds of new skills. Did you even know that freelancing was an option a year ago? Many of the mamas in our community had no idea that this world existed — and today they’re handling clients like pros.

You can, too.

I was really excited when a Mama shared her story in the community recently. She’s an older Mama, with older kids, and after being at home with them for 23 years, she’s just starting to explore this world.

It would be easy for her to decide that she didn’t have what it takes and just give up.

It would be easy for her to say, “Well, I’ve never had a job before, so why try now?”

Instead, she’s showing up. She’s learning. And she posted that she understands that she needs to be “willing to learn, willing to do HARD things, willing to fail, willing to get back up, willing to try again…..and again……and again.”

Honestly, I couldn’t have said it any better myself.

Being willing to learn goes hand in hand with being willing to do hard things and being willing to fail.

Your baby didn’t crawl the first time he tried. Your toddler didn’t start speaking in complete, perfect sentences right out of the gate.

Learning means making mistakes. And then you learn from those mistakes. You pick yourself up and dust yourself off and move forward, one small step at a time.

Are you willing to learn, mama?

Because if you are, the entire world is open to you. There are so many opportunities out there — and you can grab them with both hands and do incredible things.

But you have to be willing to do the hard things — and to fail.

That’s how you learn.

I’m so honored and humbled to learn from you, every day.

P.S. Are you in the Free Mama Facebook group? You’ll find amazing inspiration and practical help there every single day.

P.S. Want to feel more sure of yourself around clients? Check out these episodes ALL ABOUT clients on Free Mama TV!