You can’t please everyone…

I had a bit of a pity party for myself the other day, mama

The day started pretty well, actually — I was checking a few details for an upcoming FreeMama Meetup, and I was pretty excited about it. 

And then, in the space of ten minutes, I got two emails and three comments demanding to know why I hadn’t scheduled a meetup in [insert random city here].

I’ll be honest — it stung. I’ve committed to a FreeMama Meetup every single month this year, and I’ve put a lot of time and effort into making that happen. But the reality is that 12 Meetups = 12 cities, and there are more than 12 cities in the United States. 


I can’t be everywhere — and I can’t please everyone. And for a few minutes there, I felt awful about it. 

And then I jumped on a coaching call with an incredible Free Mama who told me about a potential client who made her feel guilty for not offering a specific service. 

“You can’t please everyone,” I told her. “And you don’t need to. You’ve gotten super clear on what you offer, and that’s fantastic. With your services, you’re appealing to a specific market, which will make it much easier for those people to say yes to you. Don’t worry about the people who are never going to be happy.”

And then I had a slightly out-of-body experience, as I heard myself speaking – “Stop trying to please everyone.”


We’re amazingly fortunate that we have a community that is packed with action takers. There are mamas who have overcome real hardship to build their businesses. There are mamas who have crossed state lines to come to a Meetup. There are mamas who are in the trenches daily, doing the work and making things happen.

I show up for these mamas — for you, mama — every day. And I do it with love and respect and passion for your success.

But I can’t please everyone. There will always be people who won’t like my message, who will want me to do things differently. 

You can’t please everyone, either — and you don’t need to try.  Stop trying to please everyone.

What you’re doing is right for you and your people, and that’s absolutely enough. YOU are enough. 

Let go of the people you can’t please, and focus on being the most amazing version of yourself, and stop trying to please everyone.

P.S. Did you hear that my friend Abbi is coming in to the Free Mama Facebook Group to teach us how to make $$$ from writing email, sales pages, and other content? You don’t want to miss it!

Did you get your Early Bird Ticket for The 3-Day Free Mama Retreat yet? Our Early Bird bonus is only good through the end of the month — so don’t wait!