Talking your dreams into reality (Or why I want you to hold me accountable for my ski trip)

It’s mid-February, so I’d love to do a goals check-in. Are you on track, mama?

I’ve never been one for New Year’s Resolutions. Maybe that’s because according to US News & World Report, by the second week in February, 80% of people will have given up on their new year’s resolutions already. 

I’m more about goals — annual, quarterly, and monthly goals. 

Now, you’re a Free Mama, and you’re awesome. But you miiiiiight have slipped up on a resolution or two by now. So… should you throw in the towel and give up?

Want to know how to bring your dreams to life? Lauren Golden of The Free Mama is talking about making your goals happen and not quitting!
via Late Night with Seth Meyers on GIPHY

Nope. You don’t have to wait until January 1 to make a change. You don’t have to wait for the start of a new month, a new week, or even tomorrow. Every day is the chance to start again. Everyday is the chance for you to figure out how to bring your dreams to life!

This very minute can be the minute where you start something new. 

And if you tend to get intimidated by all the goal-setting stuff, here’s how to make it really easy. 

Start with a good old brainstorm about what you actually want your life to look like.

Now, I get that this can be a challenging exercise, especially for women, and especially for moms. We are notoriously bad about thinking about ourselves.

But take some time to think about what you want, and then what’s realistic for this year. And break these into SMART goals. (Need help? I talk about goals here, and here, and also here, here, and here.)

But here’s the kicker:

You need to know how you’ll measure success. You need benchmarks.

When I did this exercise, I decided that after 10 months of being locked-up with my kids, I want to go on a trip with my husband. I mean, I love my children, but honestly? I could not be more sick of them right now. 

And I want to go skiing. I have never been skiing before, and I want to give it a go!

But right now, these aren’t goals. They’re just words I’m tapping on a keyboard.

So I decided, by the end of 2021 I’m going to go skiing, and I want to take a trip with my husband. And yes, I also set business goals — and you’ll hear plenty about those.

By the end of this brainstorm, you’ll have a whole list of the things you want to do. And it gets much simpler because you can identify overlaps.

I can go skiing with my husband. That takes care of two things on my list. I can earn money while I serve my customers — there’s another overlap. And so on.

And once you have a list of goals, create a calendar and fit them in. So instead of just dreaming about them, you start to put a plan in place – that’s how to bring your dreams to life.

This should be an active process. You need to look at what you want and literally map it out.

And you definitely DON’T need to do this on December 31st. I do this multiple times a year. Now is good!

So anyway, I’m going skiing with my husband, and it’s happening THIS WEEK because after I spoke these words to my copywriter, I BOOKED THE TICKETS. #accountabilityforthewin

Watch my Instagram stories to hear how many times I fall down.

P.S. If you need some help getting through your daily to-do list so that you can achieve your goals, might I suggest that you check out The Daily 5? It’s the last productivity tool you’ll ever need.Â