How NOT to start your virtual business

Are you making these virtual assistant business mistakes?

Every so often, I’ll see a Facebook post that stops my scroll. 

Usually it’s along the lines of:

I’m starting my business! I’m going to build a website. Also, how do I get followers on Instagram? And, does anyone have any recommendations for what I should call my YouTube channel? Plus, can you all please go and like my Facebook page? By the way, let’s start a Clubhouse invite train!



And in case I wasn’t clear, NO. 


Building a branding board, working on a website, and having 85,000 coffee chats — all of those things make us feel like we’re moving forward, but it’s kind of just a waste of time. 

All of those things are your way of delaying the thing that you know you should be doing.

If you spend your time on distractions, it will take you a very long time to build a business. In fact, you might actually never get a client who pays you money if you spend all your time building your website and figuring out your branding.

If you want to make it hard to build your business, you absolutely can. You can spend time and money on software and training and all kinds of other shiny objects that you don’t need. Those are the virtual assistant business mistakes that hold people from moving forward.

The only thing that will stop you is your credit limit. 

On the other hand…

If you’d like to actually EARN some money, you need to focus on INCOME-GENERATING ACTIVITIES. 

Things like talking to potential clients and asking them what kind of help they need. 

Or going to an in-person event where your ideal clients are hanging out, talking to them, and asking what kind of help they need. 

Or talking to people in your life who have businesses and asking what kind of help they need. 

Are you sensing a pattern?

Just a few days ago, I released a new video on Free Mama TV on how to start your virtual business in 30 days or less. If you haven’t already watched it, now is a good time to check it out. If you’re serious about starting your business, it’s time to ditch the distractions and focus on what you KNOW you need to do.

What will you STOP doing today?

P.S. If you need help or support to focus on the RIGHT things: