Do you feel as though you have the weight of the world on your shoulders right now? The pandemic has left everyone feeling exhausted, defeated, maybe even hopeless as times.
If you’re sitting with a heavy heart and feeling yourself pull back from friends and family, you’re not the only one.
While the natural inclination for many of us is to begin to withdraw and retreat when we feel like we just don’t stack up as a mom, business owner or human, it’s actually one of the worst things you can do for yourself.
There is absolutely no shame in those big feelings, Mama. In this intense episode of Free Mama Radio, we are talking about working through these feelings and what to do to actually support yourself and your business when you’d rather curl up alone.
In Today’s Episode We Discuss:
- Why you may feel like backing off right now and why you shouldn’t
- Having the courage to lean into your community when you need it most
- The opportunity you could be missing out on when you choose to isolate
This week on our Free Mama Squad Gratitude and Attitude call, we had a brave mama share about her struggles. It lead into how we don’t feel good enough or weak. How we naturally feel struggles mean we don’t have it together, or we aren’t doing the thing right!
We see people on social media doing the thing, being successful, and we feel like we’re not! Honestly, that image isn’t always true, social media isn’t transparent! People seem like their on top of the world but they are having some of the same struggles, we just don’t see it!
When we feel alone and struggling, we don’t feel like we’re enough, we’re ashamed, and sometimes want to give up. Listen, you are not alone in feeling this way, it is hard. Being able to share this struggle takes true bravery!
I want you to really hear my message today! If you’re struggling, reach out to me through email, DM, or however you can. I want to help! We will get through this together with the right tools, support, and guidance. This community is all about Support and that is what I want to do, support you!
I want to encourage ALL of you, to be brave and show up! Keep going through this tough time, ask for help, it’s not only helping you but others too. It’s an opportunity to be transparent and a leader to others that are in this same space.
Be sure to check out the links below, because no matter where you are in your journey, we have something for you. From free training and free YouTube videos to our Facebook group or even the Free Mama Squad, we have so much to help you get the support you need!
Have you checked out my FREE training?! Would you like the freedom to work from home and spend more time with your family? In this training, you will learn how I became a highly paid virtual administrative consultant in just a few hours a day…. and how you can too! CLICK HERE for instant access.
Resources Mentioned:
Join The Free Mama Movement Facebook Group
** This post may contain affiliate links which means I may receive a small commission at no additional cost to you if you use one of the links to purchase. This helps keep the podcast going and I only share products I have used, tested and love.”
How We Can Connect:
Join The Free Mama Movement on Facebook
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