Is not knowing your niche (or the services you’ll provide in your freelancing business) preventing you from attracting potential clients? Maybe it’s the reason you’re working too hard, because you’re doing a variety of work for all types of business owners. Or worst of all, maybe it has you paralyzed from talking to people about your business at all. Oh, Mama?. I have so been there. I mean, how are you supposed to know what to do when you’ve never done it before?! But how are you supposed to gain experience when you can’t get started because you don’t know what to do?! |
Getting started can be really hard… which is why I’ve put together something that I know will make it so much easier for you. I’m teaming up with 6 experts in the Riches in the Niches Workshop series to show you how to niche down so you can clearly communicate the problem you solve, and earn 2x, 5x or even 10x what you’re currently charging by mastering a specialized skill set. We put so much thought into bringing in the experts to help you step up, wherever you’re at. Take a look: FOR THE UNDERCHARGING COPYWRITERS… Learn exactly how to get paid $2,000 or more to write premium email sequences for clients with Abbi Perets. FOR THE STRESSED-OUT SOCIAL MEDIA MANAGERS… Discover the content repurposing niche, your ticket to sustainable $5k+ months without being glued to your phone with Ellyse Colson. FOR THE HOSPITALITY LOVERS GONE DIGITAL… Learn how to quickly niche down into virtual events with the 3-day live virtual event model with Amanda Engler. FOR THE ADMIN VA WHO WANTS TO EARN MORE… Master the Project Management tool ClickUp and learn exactly how to set up your client’s systems to scale for success with Ashley Weigl. FOR THE CREATIVE VA WHO GEEKS OUT ON STRATEGY… Discover how to leverage the YouTube platform to help content creators explode their businesses using the content king… VIDEO… with Sam Damicis. FOR THE TECH VA WHO WANTS TO STREAMLINE SERVICES… Learn how to launch your clients’ podcasts in 10 easy steps and get a killer start to landing podcast clients with Haili Murch. Whew! If one of these jumps out at you, enroll in just that workshop which will help you declare your speciality with the confidence of a mastered skill set! If you are still spinning around what services will be in alignment with your strengths and bring you fulfillment, enroll in more than one and look for the in-depth training that lights you up! We priced these 90-minute workshops affordably so that you have no excuses about why you can’t niche down and level up. Make sure you reserve your spot now before the deal is gone. To your riches! |