Last-Minute Gift Ideas (Free Mama Approved!)

Christmas is next weekend, and you may have forgotten someone on your list…

Maybe a client, business bestie, or even yourself, Mama, #selfcare

If you’re still scrambling to put a bow on it, I am sharing some of my absolute favorite things that make awesome last-minute gift ideas, too!

Gif by Giphy
And the best part? All of these items are available on Amazon, so you can still get them by Christmas! (You’re welcome)

-These super soft fleece-lined gripper slippers are perfect for anyone working from home this winter
-This headphone -eye mask combo will literally change your life thanks to all the ZZZZZs you’ll be clocking at night
-These cute, trendy, and practical blue light glasses are needed by anyone looking at screens all-day
-This super cool shower notepad that will prevent those powerful shower thoughts from going down the drain
-This amazingly comfy lounge set that feels like pajamas, but looks great on camera for those daily Zoom calls (I own 3 sets!)
The Free Mama: How to Work from Home, Control your Schedule and Make More Money. This is perfect for your girlfriends who need some extra inspo as they head into the new year!

Happy Holidays, Mama! Hope your days are merry and bright!

** This post contains affiliate links which means I may receive a small commission at no additional cost to you if you use one of the links to purchase. I only share things I have used and think are super awesome.

I’m breaking up with parts of my business

Everyone’s heard of New Year’s Resolutions.

But not everyone has heard of Word of the Year.

If you’re not familiar with it, it’s pretty straightforward. You choose a word or a short phrase that sets your intention or theme, a sort of filter for making choices, and target to come back to throughout the year.

I saw a statistic the other day that most people abandon their New Year’s resolutions by Super Bowl Sunday. That’s the first weekend in February. Just one month after the year begins.

And I’m not going to lie to you, when I first heard of the word of the year, I was pretty skeptical about it. It seemed like a ridiculous idea that a word could make an impact on how you live your life.

But I have been doing it for a couple of years now and when I tell you it’s changed my life and business, I really mean it.

This year, 2021, my word was “surrender”.

And, Mama, did I not know what I was in store for me.

For the past year I, like many of you, have had a lot of ups and downs.

-I was on the cover of a magazine!
-Got to speak on stage in front of thousands of people!
-Traveled around the west coast in an RV!
-I sent my kids back to school after “failing” at homeschooling
-I brought in less revenue in my business than the year before and for a while struggled with the idea of “stepping back”
-Lost several of my team members that I’d worked with for years which was a super painful transition
-I’m also still dealing with a mental health crisis for my kiddo (which has ultimately impacted me more than I’d been ready to admit until very recently)

And more than ever before, I have had to relinquish control in many aspects of my life. As a control freak, that hasn’t been fun. At all.

This year brought on so many changes, some of which were very unexpected and tested me in ways I wasn’t sure I could handle. Don’t get me wrong, some of these changes led to really positive, beautiful things – like my outstanding full-time employee duo Jen and Daria, here to support me AND YOU.

But it all started from that place of feeling deeply and learning to let go.

With the heaviness in my heart this year, my word for 2022 will be no less intentional than the ones I’ve chosen prior:


It’s time for me to start enjoying things in my life and my business more. To cut out the unnecessary stressful things that aren’t adding joy to my life, and focus on having FUN.

Nothing fills my heart more than serving others. Serving this community, but I can’t do that when I feel like I am crumbling under the weight of it.

So, in the last few weeks of the year, there’s a collision happening between SURRENDER and FUN and it’s asking me to make really hard choices about what I enjoy most in my business.

Those choices mean letting things go…

If you want to hear more about what went on the chopping block, you can listen to me go into all the details on Free Mama Radio.

I want to be deliberate about how I spend my time. Forever is composed of nows, how we spend our days is how we spend our lives, and it’s imperative that I continue to check in with myself, and do the right thing for me, even when it may disappoint the expectations of others.

I surrender one last time before the year is over.

Who knows what the future holds?

(Hopefully something really fun 😉)