I will not lie to you

Have you ever met a celebrity in real life?

I have (looking at you John Mayer) and let’s just say it’s… interesting.

When the person you come face to face with in real life doesn’t quite match the picture of them you created in your mind, it can feel super disappointing.

Unfortunately, the same thing happens in the virtual business world.

Just last week, I had a fascinating conversation with one of my coaches who was trained by and worked very closely with an extremely famous person in the personal development space.

I was telling her about my recent revelations and a renewed commitment to creating freedom from my business but confided that I couldn’t stop thinking about the quote, “if you’re not growing you’re dying” that this famous coach references often.

“Oh Lauren,” she said. “I feel like I’m about to tell you Santa Claus isn’t real.”

What are you talking about?

“Lauren, he isn’t even happy. Not really. He isn’t well. Not at all.”

My heart sank. For him? For myself? I wasn’t sure if I felt sadness or relief.

I cannot stop thinking about it, because I had been beating myself up for not achieving something that wasn’t even real.

We lie to ourselves all the time:
“If I had more money, I could make my business work.”
“If I work harder, I’ll land more clients.”
“When this season is over, I’ll grow my business.”

And it’s up to us to get out of our own way and ditch the excuses to make our dreams a reality.

But here’s something I want you to know: I will not lie to you.

will teach you how to make a ton of money.
will tell you the pros and cons of different business models so you know which is most in alignment with your lifestyle goals.
will tell you exactly what it took for me to achieve any of the things I’ve done.
will tell you when I’m wrong, screw up, or fail because hiding it is a massive disservice to you.
will only bring people into our community who I trust and believe add value to your business or life.
will call you out when you need it.
And I will always, always hold the space for you.

March 25 and 26 we are hosting Free Mama Live.

We’ve made huge shifts to be able to bring you both online and in-person options because some of you are dying for real-life connection and others of you are physically unable to get here. We want you “here” no matter what!

In fact, we just added two more amazing speakers to the lineup who are going to share with you the inside scoop of what it takes to land those high-paying roles with dreamy clients.

PLUS, this week only, you can purchase a Free Mama Live ticket for $100 OFF with code FML100.

I promise you, we won’t be doing this again!

If you are ready to grow your virtual business, you can’t afford to not attend this event.

To grow strategically, you should be bringing in 3-10 times what you are now—without working any more hours.

It is possible, and if you implement what we teach you over just 2 days together about sales, revenue streams, and systems, you can actually begin to detach your income from your time.

What would that be like for you?

Free Mama Live isn’t just an event. It’s a transformative experience for everyone committed enough to show up.

Tomorrow I’ll tell you one of my favorite stories of all time about how the first in-person event we hosted changed one Free Mama’s life forever.