This event transformed her life

You know that feeling when you desperately want something better, but you’re sooo stuck on knowing what step to take?

Brittney, a graduate of the Free Mama Movement, knows that feeling all too well

This is the inspiring story of how she used her rent money to attend an event that helped her launch a thriving virtual business that has allowed her to travel, spend more time with her kiddos, and tap into the work and friendships that light her up every day.

In 2019, Brittney was working at a 9-5 that barely paid her enough to cover the bills. She didn’t have anything left over for activities for her son, let alone anything for herself.

She felt overworked, undervalued, and was constantly looking for a way out.

That’s when she heard about our 3 Day Free Mama event, and she knew if she wanted something to be different, she had to try something different!

She believed that she could make this freelancing thing work for her, but she was scared out of her mind to spend the money to travel to Texas for the live event.

Brittney was convinced the event could change her life and desperately wanted to be in the room with other Free Mamas, but what would happen if she didn’t make her investment back?

Fast forward to the event, Brittney (terrified) approached one of the speakers who is a huge success in his field.

She let him know that she loved the information he shared and that she would love to learn from him. She asked if he needed any additional support in his business where she could gain more experience as a VA and continue to learn from him.

He became her first client, and they worked together for nearly a year!

Here are just a few things Brittney shared with me about attending a Free Mama event:
  The event was a launching pad for my business and put a fire under my butt

  I made some great friendships that are still strong 3 years later

 I was so pumped and motivated by the energy, speakers, and stories of all the other women that I gained the confidence to do scary (and necessary) things to finally make money in my business

After FML, Brittney transitioned into an Online Business Manager and raised her rates, and has since completed her Director of Operations certification. Her business supports her family and the activities they now get to do together!

If you are ready to experience this too, I want you to join me for this year’s event, Free Mama Live; both in-person or online March 25-26.

Yes, you will walk away with a plan to grow the bottom line that will also allow you to do fun stuff.

You will bond with an amazing community of Free Mamas looking to find freedom while making an impact in the world.

And you’ll enjoy hearing inspiring speakers like Kathryn Jones, McCall Jones, Jordan Gill, Ryann Dowdy, Laura Couvillon, Garrett Poole, and more. These powerhouse leaders have gone through similar issues as you are now, so you can start implementing their strategies in your own business.

Register to join us online or in-person for Free Mama Live and mark March 25-26 in your calendar.

Oh AND  For the next 48 hours, you can purchase a Free Mama Live ticket for $100 OFF with code FML100. When you attend Free Mama Live, you get to join intimate conversations with some of our high-level guest experts. You will walk out of this event never looking at your business the same way. Use promo code FML100 at checkout to claim your $100 OFF!