This is better than a personality test

When McCall analyzed me, it helped me understand things that I knew about myself deep down…

It’s not that I think I’m bad on video…

I actually like connecting with you all with Livestreams and Instagram stories…

But now that I know my Charisma Styles AND my “Too Faces” that she talked about in the workshop, I feel powerful about my ability for you all to see the best version of myself, every single time I turn on the camera.

I want you all to be able to have that too, so you should do two things:
1. Rewatch the recording of our workshop with McCall in the Facebook Group
2. If you feel called to commit yourself to being your best self on video like me, join Charisma Styles Academy here and get the exact same 1-ON-1 training that I got.

Can’t wait to see the amazing things you do by being your best self!