NEW! My bonus podcast series starts TOMORROW!

Are you having a crap time right now?

Gas prices are depressing, what’s happening in the Ukraine is horrifying, and getting through the day sometimes feels harder than ever.

Acting like these things don’t have an impact on running a business would be bananas. And also, what we do (or don’t do) in our business IS inside of our control when so much of the world is just not.

Last month I got pretty vulnerable about the ups and downs of 2021 and how I’ve recently gone through a bit of an identity shift leading me back to the thing that got me started in this online world in the first place – FREEDOM.

You sent a bunch of replies that you’re feeling the exact same way.

You’re sick of business owners who aren’t transparent online. #toxicpositivity
You’re tired of pushing yourself to the verge of burnout.
You’re fed up with doing #allthethings and the pressure of constantly showing up.

It doesn’t have to be that way. I know from experience. I’ve gotten it wrong, no doubt, but I’ve also gotten it very, very right.

So I decided to go all in and hold nothing back. Starting tomorrow I’ve got an exclusive podcast series called: Put the FREE Back in Free Mama

Starting Monday, March 14 I’m rolling out 3 special episodes titled…

🔥  I almost burned it to the ground
💰  My $50k lesson and $15 decision
💃  5 Steps to a Freedom-based business

I’m going to give you a super vulnerable look under the rug at the last year+ here at The Free Mama: the good, the bad, and the incredibly painful 😳

There are so many business owners who only want you to see their success, and that does not serve you. I know what it’s like to chase a goal that isn’t even real.

I hope that hearing my hardships will help you get to your totally awesome, guilt-free life a little faster, or help you feel less lonely on your journey.

Click here to make sure you’re signed up!

Episode 1 is a doozy and it drops tomorrow morning.