Need clients? This is what you’ve been waiting for

Do you believe in timing?

Now, I want to be clear that you’ll never feel ready to jump outside your comfort zone or that there’s a perfect time to put yourself out there, but I do believe things happens for a reason.

A few years ago, I mapped out a challenge to help Free Mamas make big moves, one small step at a time… I called it Free in 23… because, 1. Rhyming and 2. Isn’t freedom what we’re after here?

Catchy, right?! 

I literally do not remember why we didn’t move forward with this idea, other than the fact that it could not be more needed than RIGHT NOW.

After two years of COVID fatigue, the Great Resignation, and now worrying about inflation…

There’s never been a better time to take control of your financial situation as a freelancer.

Now is the right time to launch the Free in 23 Day Challenge to help you land your next client.

We’ve never done this with our students before, but after mapping out in extreme detail what I have in store for you and sharing it with my team, they responded with different versions of:

Why did they say that?

Because it is just $1 a day for 23 days of day-by-day, step-by-step actions for you to take to improve your networking and the marketing of your services.

If you’ve been freelancing, this challenge will hold you accountable to be more consistent in keeping that pipeline full and positioning you as the go-to in your niche.

If you’re brand new, don’t worry, we’ve got you. The challenge includes a bonus Pre-Challenge Success Kit to make sure you’ve got what you need to be implement the daily tasks.

PLUS, you’ll get access to a private Facebook Group where my team and I will not only be cheering you on and answering your questions, but we’ll also be going through the challenge right alongside you!

And because your results in this challenge are super important to us, we’re also going to host a LIVE workshop with Lauren during the challenge to work on whatever mindset blocks or logistical questions are showing up for you.

But I need you to do me a favor… because there’s a really good chance if we do this again, it will cost a lot more. And because I love automation, we may not do it live like this again in the future…

So here comes the favor…

I need you to show up for yourself on this one.

You may have a last-minute summer trip planned.
Maybe you’re already focused on kids going back to school.
Maybe you’re nervous, scared, intimidated, or second-guessing yourself.

Here’s the deal – you’re always going to be able to come up with a reason NOT to do something.

I want you to remind yourself of the reasons you MUST show up for yourself on this one.

The sign-up page isn’t quite ready yet, so here’s what I want you to do to show us (and yourself) that you’re all in.

Post in the Free Mama Facebook Group, your profile, IG, all the places (don’t worry we’ll share it if you tag me @laurengoldenfreemama on IG) that you’re ready to rock and roll. Let us know who you are and what you do and use the hashtags #freein23 and #imdoingit

Whether you’re looking for your next client or your very first one, this challenge is for you.

We kick off on August 1…