Are you a Samantha, a Casey, or a Wendy?

What’s your story?

Maybe you’re like Samantha.

You’ve got a good job you actually enjoy, but the pandemic gave you a taste of what your life could look like as a work-from-home mom.

When you went back to the office, you realized you were missing moments with your family and set out to find a way to make legitimate money from home.

Or maybe you’re like Casey.

Staying home with your kiddos is such a beautiful role you know you’re fortunate to have, BUT you feel like you’re missing out on something of your own.

You know you have more to contribute to your family, and the world, and you’re searching for your gifts.

Perhaps you’re more like Wendy.

The pressure of your job is weighing on your personal wellbeing, but you’re the breadwinner and your partner and children are counting on you.

You’ve already invested so much in your career, and, while you’re not sure a virtual business can provide for your family, you know you have to make a big shift.

I’ve met hundreds of Free Mamas in real life and listened to your stories, and today you’re going to meet 3 of them.

SamanthaCasey and Wendy each had different upbringings and educations that led them to The Free Mama.

Today they work in different niches with different types of clients leveraging their unique, natural strengths and talents.

Yet they have so much more in common…

They all feel called to do things differently than what society expected.

They all crave time freedom and more money so they can change the trajectory of their families’ lives.

The all have the desire to unlock their potential.

They all follow a guide and participate in a community to remind them they weren’t in it alone.

They all have a willingness to figure it out before they feel ready.

They all started with one small, courageous step by saying yes to The Free Mama Movement. (If you want to say YES to your next step, make sure you don’t miss tomorrow’s email for a very, VERY exclusive invitation.)

Samantha, Casey and Wendy are extraordinary and worth highlighting, but they aren’t the only success stories coming from our community.

On Friday, I’m going to share with you some INSANE numbers… YOUR numbers… telling the story of The Free Mama’s impact through the ripple effects YOU are taking out into the world…

The lives of siblings, spouses, children, and clients that are literally changing as a result of your courage and action.

You have the ability to change lives!!!

If you are ready to take the next courageous step towards finding freedom and who you’re meant to be, I want to let you in on something we’re announcing tomorrow…

I’m opening the doors to something I will never do again.

The Free Mama is stepping into some new courageous steps itself and I’m ready to celebrate the impact we’ve made over these past five years by letting you get in on the action.