What’s your story? Maybe you’re like Samantha. You’ve got a good job you actually enjoy, but the pandemic gave you a taste of what your life could look like as a work-from-home mom. When you went back to the office, you realized you were missing moments with your family and set out to find a way to make legitimate money from home. Or maybe you’re like Casey. Staying home with your kiddos is such a beautiful role you know you’re fortunate to have, BUT you feel like you’re missing out on something of your own. You know you have more to contribute to your family, and the world, and you’re searching for your gifts. Perhaps you’re more like Wendy. The pressure of your job is weighing on your personal wellbeing, but you’re the breadwinner and your partner and children are counting on you. You’ve already invested so much in your career, and, while you’re not sure a virtual business can provide for your family, you know you have to make a big shift. I’ve met hundreds of Free Mamas in real life and listened to your stories, and today you’re going to meet 3 of them. Samantha, Casey and Wendy each had different upbringings and educations that led them to The Free Mama. Today they work in different niches with different types of clients leveraging their unique, natural strengths and talents. Yet they have so much more in common… They all feel called to do things differently than what society expected. They all crave time freedom and more money so they can change the trajectory of their families’ lives. The all have the desire to unlock their potential. They all follow a guide and participate in a community to remind them they weren’t in it alone. They all have a willingness to figure it out before they feel ready. They all started with one small, courageous step by saying yes to The Free Mama Movement. (If you want to say YES to your next step, make sure you don’t miss tomorrow’s email for a very, VERY exclusive invitation.) Samantha, Casey and Wendy are extraordinary and worth highlighting, but they aren’t the only success stories coming from our community. On Friday, I’m going to share with you some INSANE numbers… YOUR numbers… telling the story of The Free Mama’s impact through the ripple effects YOU are taking out into the world… The lives of siblings, spouses, children, and clients that are literally changing as a result of your courage and action. You have the ability to change lives!!! If you are ready to take the next courageous step towards finding freedom and who you’re meant to be, I want to let you in on something we’re announcing tomorrow… I’m opening the doors to something I will never do again. The Free Mama is stepping into some new courageous steps itself and I’m ready to celebrate the impact we’ve made over these past five years by letting you get in on the action. |
7 Digital Marketing Tools for Virtual Businesses
I am reporting to you live from Orlando, Florida. There’s a conference starting tomorrow hosted by ClickFunnels for business owners in the digital marketing space. I’ll be surrounded by passionate entrepreneurs and some amazing Free Mamas and Free Mama coaches and I could not be more excited. I couldn’t think of a better way to spend the week leading up to our 5-Year Free Mamaversary! |

(A reenactment of me with all of the Free Mamas in Orlando this week.) Clickfunnels means a lot to me – which may sound weird, but it truly changed my life by changing the way I did business. In fact, it is one of the 7 digital marketing tools I used to get my business to seven-figures and on this week’s episode of FreeMamaTV, I am sharing them all with you and how I use them everyday. There are A LOT of ways to market your business online, but not all of them are effective. Make sure you spend your time and money wisely and check out this week’s episode of FreeMamaTV to find out what actually works! |
New to Freelance Work? AVOID THESE MISTAKES!
I’m sure you’ve heard that nobody’s perfect… |

Making mistakes is inevitable. But wouldn’t it be nice to avoid some common pitfalls that freelancers make when you’re just getting started? Check out this week’s episode of FreeMamaTV for my tips to help you have a smooth start. Just because perfect isn’t possible, doesn’t mean you should make freelancing any harder than it has to be. Be sure to talk to me in the comments if this video resonates with you! |
P.S.Ready to debunk 5 Myths about freelancing? Check out last week’s episode of FreeMamaTV!
How to Freelance as a Mom | 5 Myths DEBUNKED!
Have you ever been told you need a portfolio and a website to be a freelancer? Or that the market is too saturated for you to even find freelance jobs right now? How about that freelancing isn’t a sustainable career path? Well, I’m here to bust those myths along with several others and tell you exactly what you need to do to reframe and actually become a freelancing mom. If this sounds helpful, make sure you check out this week’s episode of FreeMamaTV! |
P.S. If you’re interested in learning more about how to become a YouTube manager, check out last week’s episode of FreeMamaTV!
How to Become a YouTube Manager
Video is everywhere. I mean, just look at social media platforms in recent years… TikTok, reels, shorts… And soooo many entrepreneurs use YouTube as a strategic way to expand their audience online. But they need help not only editing their videos effectively, but managing the channel to get the most reach. What sets YouTube apart from other platforms and how can you become an asset to business owners and content creators? Watch this week’s episode of FreeMamamTV to find out! It’s the last in the “Freelance Niche Best of 2022” series and I am talking with our very own FreeMamaTV manager, Sam Dee. Has this series been helpful for you? Let us know! |
“You need a portfolio” is a LIE
A huge objection we hear in the Free Mama community is “…but I don’t have any experience.” And although that may be true when it comes to freelance work, that doesn’t mean you don’t have the skills. Do you love to read? Was English your favorite class? Are you the go-to person for all things grammar and the proofreader for your friends’ papers in school? If you’ve always loved to read and write, but are unsure how you could do that as a freelancer, chances are you’d be a great freelance copywriter. All you have to do is start, and you can do that by watching this week’s installment of FreeMamaTV’s Freelance Niche Best of 2022, Land Copywriting Jobs with NO Experience with Abbi Perets! This episode is jam-packed with value so make sure you check it out! |
P.S. Learn all about how to become a Facebook Ads Manager by watching last week’s episode of FMTV!
Zuckerburg isn’t the only one to make money on Facebook Ads
You see them any time you open Facebook. You may have even bought from one or two. Heck, maybe it’s even how you found The Free Mama! Facebook Ads are a huge way the social media giant monetizes its platform… But they could make you a bunch of money, too! Business owners will pay Big Bucks for someone to do their Facebook ads correctly. So why shouldn’t that person be you? This week’s episode of our Best of Freelancing Niche 2022 on FreeMamaTV is about Facebook Ads Management. This video is the best place for you to start if you want to start being an absolute boss at advertising on Facebook, or even if you just want to learn a little bit more! Can’t wait for you to meet Shelby! She may even change your life… |
Have you seen the housing market recently?
So… I’m not sure if you’ve noticed, but the housing market has kind of been crazy pants this past year or so. Houses selling for way over their asking price and only after a few hours of being listed… People are moving to new homes left and right… Rent prices are record-breaking… Needless to say, Real Estate agents are BUSY. And they need help. That’s where you can come in. If you have a background in real estate or have an interest in it or are just really good at communicating and facilitating, you may be the perfect fit for being a real estate Transaction Coordinator (AKA, the Real Estate Agent’s Right-Hand Gal). And that’s why we’re highlighting TC’s in this week’s Virtual Assistant Niche – Best of 2022. Our guest expert and fellow Free Mama, Brittany Kramme, is going to share with you everything you need to know about freelancing as a TC. And to take advantage of this market, you’re probably going to want to start soon! |
P.S. Want to know how you can start your graphic design business? Check out last week’s video!
This one’s for the artists
Have you ever looked at a logo and thought “I can make that better“? Or saw a graphic and deeply admired all of the colors and fonts and wished you could learn to do that too? Or maybe you’ve been a creative your whole life, but you aren’t sure how you could possibly make good money off your talents. #starvingartist All month on FreeMamaTV we are revealing the BEST freelancing niches of 2022 and the Free Mamas who are crushing the field, so they can teach you how to jump in and start earning, too. First up: brand design with Karla Pámanes. You’ve probably heard of graphic design, but this niche within a niche helps set up businesses with a recognizable brand that puts them on the map fast. And the cool thing is, you don’t have to have gone to school for design or already be super talented to rock this niche that’s 2 parts science, 1 part art. If you’re an artist at heart who wants the path to a sustainable and lucrative career as a brand designer, make sure you check out this week’s episode of FreeMamaTV! |
P.S. Want to know what skills you need to be a Freelancer? Check out last week’s video!
You already have the skills
Do you feel like you don’t know enough to be successful as a freelancer? It’s so easy to obsess over what software people use in the online world, especially when you’re new. Confusionsoft, anyone? If you’ve had the urge to enroll in every software course in order to even get started, you’re not alone. But the truth is that these hard, technical skills that you’re worrying about play a much smaller role in your ability to get clients than you think. So what is the key to landing those first few clients, even when you’re brand-spanking new? Well, you’ll have to watch today’s episode of FreeMamaTV to find out. |