Integrity and Business

Integrity is one of our 4 core values at The Free Mama (along with putting a bow on it, urgency, and courtesy, if you were curious.)

To me, integrity is about following through. Doing what you say and saying what you do.

But, as I have learned time and time again, sometimes life doesn’t always go according to plan.

Last year I spent a lot of time pushing and pushing to serve (often at the expense of my family or myself) until I hit rock bottom and realized I was completely out of alignment with me.

Is that integrity? It sure as heck didn’t feel like it.

So this year I have committed to doing things in my business that help people, but are also fun and that feel good.

And right now, I am not doing too hot. I have no voice *GASP* My favorite thing to do is talk, but I sound a lot like Phoebe Buffett attempting a sexy rendition of Smelly Cat. #IYKYK

My chest is in a lot of pain and I am feeling the post-Free Mama Live adrenaline fully drained and am left a little fatigued.

And yesterday, as I sat on a call with my team, hoodie and sunglasses on (see example below), voice cracking, and telling them about my lack of sleep, one of them suggested that I wasn’t in fact cold, but rather I had the chills.

And then I realized: I’m sick.

So, what do you do when your values get tested?

Where does integrity in business collide with personal integrity?

In order to be in integrity with myself AND with you, we’ve had to make the extremely difficult decision to cancel today’s training with Kathryn Jones.

To me, integrity doesn’t mean just doing what I say I’m going to do, but also doing it to the best of my ability in a way that serves you at the highest standard and that feels good to me.

And today I do not feel good.

I’m still going to be bringing you value into the Facebook event by dropping some little value nuggets (from bed, with hot tea), so make sure you keep your eyes peeled for those.

I take my responsibility to model what being a Free Mama is very seriously. And this is it.

Thank you so much for understanding, I truly appreciate it.

Facing Objections With Your Virtual Assistant Pricing Structure in 2022

New students in the Free Mama often tell me that asking for money from a potential client is daunting, and the fear of objections around your pricing can make that feeling even worse.
But if you go into a Discovery Call with your eyes open, you’ll be just fine, and in fact, those objections you’re fearing can actually be a good thing!

If this topic is tough for you, you’re in luck! Handling objections is just what I’m teaching you on this week’s episode of FreeMamaTV.

Get the value you provide, not a penny less!

P.S. Struggling to show up for yourself in your business? Watch last week’s episode to learn about how to be your biggest fan.

And don’t forget to subscribe to Free Mama TV so you’re alerted each and every time a new episode drops!

This Ten-Year-Old Made $1,495 and Bought a Puppy

I told you Kathryn Jones is coming into our group on Wednesday at 1pm CT (2pm ET) to teach us how to…

-Make more money is less time
-Have higher profit margins with less customers
-And have more freedom with less to-do’s

…all by teaching you how to design and sell websites to other businesses using her VERY easy formula.

And the best part?  No coding, Photoshop, or graphic design skills are required.

Some people think that’s too good to be true.

So, Kathryn wanted me to tell you about two people.

Pall is in his 60s and from Iceland. He had never taken an online course before.  He came to the training (same one as ours this Wednesday) and became the fastest person to make money after the training.

How fast did he do it?


You guys, he went from having ZERO SKILL SET to closing a multi-thousand dollar sale in TWO DAYS.

Still think this might not be for you?

Meet Sarah…

Sarah is 10 years old. She took the exact same training as Pall from Iceland and earned $1,495 to buy herself a Goldendoodle puppy.


This works.
This works if you are older, this works if you are younger.
This works because it’s not about you.

The 6-step formula Kathryn is about to drop on Wednesday at 1pm CT (2pm ET) is tried and true.

All you have to do is get your hands on that 6-step formula.

If you’re ready to add a skillset to your repertoire so that your business will allow you to…

-Make more money is less time.
-Have higher profit margins with less customers.
-And have more freedom with less to-do’s
…come hang out with us on Wednesday and Kathryn will show you how to do it.

Who here wants to be like Pall and Sarah?!

See you Wednesday!

The secret behind “Less Is More” training

I want to explain a little bit more behind the “Less Is More” training with Kathryn Jones coming up Wednesday, April 6th at 1pm CT (2pm ET) in our Facebook Group.

How is it possible to…

-Take less time to make more money
-Have less clients and have higher profits
-And have less to-do’s and more freedom?

It’s all about working smarter, not harder.

Kathryn has a specific method that shows you how to make at least $1K-$5K per client (with work that can take only a weekend).  It also is work that doesn’t have a daily deadline so you can spread your work out to fit your life.

This work also has to do with…

And formulas…
So, if you don’t like the repetitive tasks that your current clients give you, this could be for you.

At the “Less Is More” training, Kathryn is going to show you the 6-Step Formula For Making AND SELLING Sexy, Money-Making Websites (No Coding, Photoshop or Graphic Design Skills Required)

If you’ve seen Kathryn (7-figure business owner, FML speaker) do a similar training before, come again.

This is new and improved and catered specifically toward Free Mamas.

Remember, the only thing you need to ask yourself is this…

Do I want to take less time to make more money?
Do I want to manage less clients and have higher profits?
And do I want less to-do’s and more freedom?

Again, if the answer to any of those is yes, this training is for you.

Wednesday, April 6th at 1pm CST in our Facebook Group.

Are you coming?

See you there!

“Less Is More” Training with Kathryn Jones

I want to invite you to something I am pumped about!

I invited my virtual BFF and Free Mama Live speaker, Kathryn Jones, to do a special training for all of us…

“The Less Is More Training,” where she’s going to show you her method for taking less time to make more money, needing less clients to have higher profit margins and (my favorite), how to have less to-do’s in your business and more freedom

Did you catch that?

Less time, more money
Less clients, higher profit margins
Less to-do’s, more freedom

The best thing about this training is it is going to be very tangible.

She’ll be teaching you her methodology for developing a specific skillset and business model that does these things.

So, my only question for you is this…

Do you want to spend less time to make more money?
Do you want to deal with less clients and still get higher profit margins?
Would you like less tasks to complete in your business and more freedom?

If you answered yes to any of those, this training is for you.

Also, whenever Kathryn and I get together it’s just a fun time so really, come hang out with us.

The “Less Is More” training is happening Wednesday, April 6th at 1pm CT (2pm ET) in our Facebook group!

Make sure you RSVP on the event page and tell us in the group if you’re coming.

See you there!

When the party’s over

Last weekend’s Free Mama Live event was so incredible!

It was truly life-changing to be able to hang out with Free Mamas in real life…

…and talk about what it takes to breakthrough from self-employed to a true freedom business.

I wanted to share with you some of the most memorable moments!

Mamas traveled to Kansas City from all over the country, and dozens more joined us virtually, to discover exactly what to do to bring in more revenue while being your most free self and without working all the time.

A special shout out to speaker/sponsor Jordan Gill from Systems Saved Me who taught her VIP Day framework. I found out today that one of our participants has already made over $7k this week following what she learned at the event!

I am so grateful to all of our event partners, speakers, and attendees, and will be watching this video on repeat reliving our few days together until we meet again.

f I’m honest, leading up to the event I told my team not to let me do another Free Mama Live. I just didn’t know if I had it in me to do again.

It takes soooo much planning and hard work to host an event of this caliber!

After the magic of this weekend I couldn’t bear the thought of not being able to do this again with you. It’s kind of like having a baby – labor is a lot, but totally worth it in the end… plus, you sort of forget how hard it was after some time passes 

So when we got back to work on Tuesday, I asked my team to contact the hotel immediately and save the dates for next year.

That’s right, we will be back in Kansas City from April 27-29, 2023!

If you’re also counting down the days to another Free Mama family reunion, or if the highlights on social media left you feeling major FOMO, I invite you to sign up for some seriously special early early bird pricing to lock in your spot.

Can’t wait until next year!

Are you a YOU fan?

What does it mean to show up for yourself?

To me, it most often looks like keeping myself accountable to the things I say I’m going to do. When you’re self-employed, there’s no boss telling you what to do!
But it isn’t just about being the CEO of your business. It’s also about being your own biggest cheerleader, supporter, and advocate.

In order for your business to last and grow, you need to be able to cheer yourself on and show up for yourself during the highs and lows.

If you struggle with this, you won’t want to miss this week’s episode of FreeMamaTV.

You’ve got this!

P.S. Looking for a way to track interactions with prospective clients? Watch last week’s episode to learn all about lead tracking.

And don’t forget to subscribe to Free Mama TV so you’re alerted each and every time a new episode drops!

3 things to help you grow your business this month

We’re almost 3 months into 2022.
If you’re looking for a Quarter 2 come back don’t skip this email, because we have tons of good stuff coming at you from FreeMamaTV this month!

1. How to say NO without feeling guilty

You started your business because you were tired of someone (ahem, your boss) always telling you what to do and where to be.

You want to serve people on your own terms, but you also want to over-deliver for your clients so you find yourself slipping into your old people-pleasing ways.
 That’s why on this week’s episode of FreeMamaTV I am breaking down how to figure out what your boundaries are, how to say “NO” to your clients, and how to feel good doing it.

2. How to EARN MORE in your business while working less

You read that right. It’s not too good to be true, I promise.

I actually do it myself following the 5 step formula I’m going to walk you through in this video.

If you are ready to catapult your income by developing systems and automations that allow you to make money while you’re on vacation or asleep, this episode of FreeMamaTV is for you!

3. How to track prospects in your business to convert more leads

You need clients. You need help staying organized. You need to make sure your networking efforts pay off. You need a leads tracker.

Tracking your leads is not only an effective way to make sure you are reaching the right people, but it also saves you time so you can reach more of the right people intentionally.

In this episode of FreeMamaTV, I am showing you how to keep track of prospective clients for your business so that you can move them through the customer journey and stop leaving money on the table!

P.S. Want to know how to talk to people about your Freelance business? Watch this episode of FreeMamaTV to get some tips.

And don’t forget to subscribe to Free Mama TV so you’re alerted each and every time a new episode drops!

What’s your BIGGEST question?

After yesterday’s Behind the Scenes of Free Mama Live we got a bunch of amazing questions from YOU, so I’ll be back in the FB group this morning at 10am CT.

I don’t want you to miss out for two very simple reasons…

We’re giving away 3 brand-new, limited-edition Free Mama swag items to anyone who signs up for a virtual ticket by Monday (the deadline to register!)
This event WILL change your life

I’m serious. Don’t take my word for it though.

Here are a few things Free Mamas have said about this event…

  “I can’t believe I was going to skip the retreat last year and “try again next year”. That would have been really silly. My life forever changed in that conference room.” – Casey

  “A game-changer. I’m so happy I invested in myself and my business.” – Vai

 “I have never been more motivated and empowered by a group of women in my life.” – Jasmin

If you’re in any way considering joining us for Free Mama Live this year (or if you’ve come in the past and no longer think this applies to you), do yourself a favor and ATTEND TODAY’S Q&A.

I believe in you. I want you to hit your financial goals AND live a totally awesome life. But you can’t do that if you’re overwhelmed, stuck, or confused when it comes to growing your business.
In just 2 days we will infuse you with clarity, connections, and concrete steps to make things as simple as possible.

You’re still going to have to work. But work A LOT less, for A LOT more money.

And we will get you there in a fraction of the time. Isn’t that worth the cost of a ticket? (It’s going to cost you a lot more to not attend.)

Click here to join me virtually at Free Mama Live.

Or join me for today’s LIVE to get the As to your Qs!

Let’s build your freedom-business together


Have you seen what you get when you buy your Free Mama Live ticket? It’s insane!

I just went live in the Free Mama Movement Facebook group to talk about how you can get in on it.

I shared some swag, some content, even a few of the surprises! I also revealed what our speakers are covering, including how ONE presentation alone will show you how to make $2-5k with just one client (which means you can easily earn back your investment 5-10 times over!)

Check out the behind-the-scenes video, and see the PRIZES we are giving away and how you can get one!


You can find out all about the event at PLUS the thousands of dollars worth of bonuses from our speakers are all ready and waiting inside your Teachable account as soon as you register.

The event kicks off next weekend, and we’ve got goodies to send, so ticket sales END this Monday. NO EXCEPTIONS.

If you know you want in, grab your virtual ticket here.

Got questions? Email us