Do you love gift boxes?

Book your ticket for FML 2020 and get an AMAZING bonus gift box!

I’m SO EXCITED, mama, and I have to spill the beans.

If you caught yesterday’s BIG ANNOUNCEMENT, you know that Free Mama LIVE 2020 is almost here, and you STILL have time to snag your ticket. 

And when you get your ticket, you are not only getting access to an AMAAAAAAAAZING two weeks’ worth of KILLER training and content…

…you’re getting even more

Basically, I convinced (read: BEGGED) some of our speakers to come join us in the FML pop-up group and spend some EXTRA time teaching and training you, so that when October gets here, you’re in the best possible place to take advantage of everything we’ll be sharing. 

It’s pretty freaking great, and I’m super excited. 

Like, Free Mama Favorites Abbi Perets, Violette de Alaya, Kathryn Jones, Ryann Dowdy, and are coming in to teach you:

  • How to write a REAL power pitch that gets clients fired up to work with you
  • How to connect with people like a human and build amazing relationships
  • How to showcase your skills and package them up in the most powerful way
  • What to say on the discovery call to close the deal

Let’s be clear. All of these trainings are happening in our exclusive, private Facebook group BEFORE the actual Free Mama LIVE event. So by the time the real thing starts, you will ALREADY have mad skillz (as the kids say? right?) and be READY to TAKE MASSIVE ACTION. 

And I’ve brought in some BRAND NEW FRIENDS to speak at FML. People you don’t know yet. People you’ve never seen speak anywhere else — even though they’re making 7 figures and doing incredible things. Check out the featured speaker lineup, go stalk these people in all the places, and then get ready to have your mind BLOWN by what they share with us in October.

ALSO, did I tell you about the gift boxes? 

OH MAMA! The boxes, if I may say so, are a WORK OF ART. They are SO SO SO SO good. BUT. If you want to get your box, YOU MUST GET YOUR TICKET BY OCTOBER 1

Let me repeat that, in case you missed my shoutiness. If you want a gift box in your hands at FML (and you do, TRUST ME), you MUST get your ticket by October 1.

Mama, let me spell this out for you.

FML is designed to give you EVERY. SINGLE. THING. you need to set up your freelancing business, even if you’re still not sure what freelancing is. This is going to be THE BEST online training for mom entrepreneurs!

We’re covering ALL of it:

👻 Scary taxes and legal stuff

🔥 Big dreams

💪🏻 Action plans

👩🏼‍💻 Marketing

💰 Landing clients

💥 And MORE

And by the way…

… if you’re already working and earning steady money, I’ve got some EXTRA goodness for you:

💰💰💰 High-ticket sales coaches who can help you 10X your offer

🔥🔥🔥 A PRIVATE masterclass ONLY open to women earning a certain amount

💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻 Mindset coaches who will help you leap to the next level of greatness

Basically, you need to be at FML. And you need to get your ticket BEFORE October 1. So do it NOW. 

See you there!

P.S. I can’t stress this enough. You want a gift box? GET YOUR TICKET NOW and be a part of the the best online training for mom entrepreneurs!

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