This FML option ends this weekend

I wanted to give you a head’s up…

If you haven’t grabbed your ticket to Free Mama Live yet, NOW is the time to lock yours in.

After Sunday night, the FML payment plan option ends.

As of right now, there are less than 200 tickets available in-person and online!

If you are planning on coming, and for some reason haven’t gotten your tickets yet, then I’d recommend grabbing yours right now…

When you get your ticket, we’re going to spend 2 full days helping you:

Discover the 5 steps to building a limitless business from multi-6 and 7 figure, world-class service providers who are actually doing it.
-Learn how to capture your ideal client’s attention and own your niche so hard you literally eliminate the competition
-Figure out how to streamline your offer, improve and simplify your systems, and outsource with certainty so you’ve got ample leverage
-Take care of your spirit and fill your cup in a room full of women who get you and share your challenges
-Work through some stuff… new level, new devil… and we’ve got the perfect exercise to help you grow so the cash can flow
-Celebrate your wins and be recognized for how freaking hard you’ve been working at the first in-person Free the Mamas Awards Ceremony
-Lots of fun surprises!

Plus, access to all of the bonuses:
-2019 Free Mama Retreat Replays ($497 Value)
-2020 Free Mama Live Event Replays ($997 Value)
-More speaker bonuses that will knock your socks off to be revealed SOON!

Get Your FML Ticket Now

FML is just 63 days away…

And the party has already started in the event Facebook group where people are making connections, and finding travel and hotel buddies.

Let this be the year you say yes to yourself. After the last 22 months, you definitely deserve it.

I’ll see you there!

Are you accidentally hurting your business?

We all have bad habits that we need to break.

Recently, I’ve made some small but significant changes to my life to help me break some of my own (like deleting the Amazon and news apps off of my phone because I realized I was in a not-so-healthy relationship with them.)

But what you may not realize is that bad habits also affect your business, Big Time.

In this week’s episode of FreeMamaTV, I’m listing out the 5 toxic habits that are definitely impacting your bottom line (and not in a good way).
You’ll find some new tricks to help you start ending your days feeling accomplished instead of drained.

P.S. Wondering how you can be more productive? Watch last week’s episode to hear some ways you in can increase your productivity!

And don’t forget to subscribe to Free Mama TV so you’re alerted each and every time a new episode drops!

Productivity Habits to help grow your business

Wooohoo! You built your virtual business, you’ve changed your life (for the better) and now you’re so ready to level up your business.

But wait, now you’re maxed out on time and you don’t know how you’ll be able to take on more clients.
Don’t be discouraged though, Daria. There are changes you can make to maximize your time and give you the ability to better serve your clients, bring on more clients, or even… relax (gasp!)

n this week’s episode of FreeMamaTV, I break down my top 3 productivity habits that help you stay on task and get ish done.
You’ll find some new tricks to help you start ending your days feeling accomplished instead of drained.

P.S. Wondering what successful people do daily? Watch last week’s episode to hear some habits that will change your business for the better!

And don’t forget to subscribe to Free Mama TV so you’re alerted each and every time a new episode drops!

How to go from freelancer to agency model

You’re rocking your freelancing business and putting a bow on it with all of your clients.

You’re “booked out” and you’ve still got leads coming in…

Say what?!

Yes, it’s a great problem to have, but a problem nonetheless.

You want to say yes! You want to grow! You want to make more money and help more people… but your 24 hours a day are maxed out.

What if there was a way to keep growing and serving your 1:1 clients at a high level, without dropping any balls or needing more hours in a day?

It’s called replacing yourself in your business, and my friend and rockstar agency owner, Tasha Booth has learned to do just that and is teaching you how to do the same.

I first met Tasha back in September when I was planning for Freelance to Freedom Weekend. She brought such great energy and knowledge to our virtual event, and people are still talking about her presentation 3 months later!

Now, she is hosting her own one-of-a-kind, 2-day retreat where you’ll discover the mindset-work, systems, packages, pricing, and hiring practices it takes to build a thriving agency in FAR less time than you think.

And it’s happening January 18-19!

During The Replace Yourself Roadmap Retreat, Tasha will highlight everything she used in her own business, The Launch Guild, so you can stop stressing over taking on more client work and finally start delegating!

You will learn exactly how to:
✨Ease the transition for clients used to working with just YOU!
✨Hire the right people to support your clients and your vision!
✨Create org charts, SOPs, client onboarding systems, and so much more!
✨Know if you are building an agency OR just a team.
✨”Agency-ify” your offer suite for maximum profit and fun delivery!
✨How to be a great leader and put in the work to build an amazing team

The Replace Yourself Roadmap Retreat will give you the tools you need to build an agency so you can scale WITHOUT burning yourself out, adding more hours to the day, or feeling like you’re stuck in an implementation hamster wheel.

Is growing an agency your next level in business?

Don’t miss this opportunity to learn from my 7-figure agency-owning friend, Tasha.

Books that will change your life in 2022

Do you know the real reason we started a Book Club at The Free Mama?

It isn’t because I loved reading. In fact, at the time I wouldn’t have called myself a reader at all.

But I wanted to be, so we started the Book Club to hold everyone involved accountable and committed to growing and learning.

It’s been over 18 months since we started, and it’s official – I’m a reader! In fact, I’m usually reading 2 books on top of our club choice at any given time!

Was reading more books or upping your personal development game an intention you set for the New Year?

If so, here are some of my favorite books we’ve read in the Squad that have truly changed my life, and I believe could also have the power to change yours.

Year of Yes by Shonda Rhimes

Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert

Start With Why by Simon Sinek  

Get Rich Lucky B*tch! by Denise Duffield-Thomas

Untamed by Glennon Doyle

The Go-Giver by Bob Burg

Secrets of the Millionaire Mind by T. Harv Eker

Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less by Greg McKeown

Here’s the deal – if you aren’t a huge fan of reading either, I get it! Try audiobooks or ebooks and see if you prefer a different learning style. If you don’t love to buy them, try your local library.

If you’ve got a book I need to add to my list, hit reply and let me know!
Want to be a part of our Book Club? Learn more about joining the Squad here!

** This post contains affiliate links which means I may receive a small commission at no additional cost to you if you use one of the links to purchase. I only share products I have used, tested, and love.

[Free Webinar] Discover the BEST freelance careers for you!

My dad is in his 60s and has been a homebuilder his entire adult life.

And still, without fail, at least once a year he will make a comment about how he is still trying to figure out what he wants to be when he grows up.

I tell you this, because….

It’s never too late to reinvent yourself.

What do you want to be when you grow up?

It seems like a silly question to ask an adult, but I think we often find ourselves looking for something that will be both fulfilling and lucrative, that will also work with our lifestyle goals.

Since you’re reading this email, you’ve probably already figured out that virtual work is the path calling your name.

But perhaps you’re not quite sure what that will look like yet?

If you are open to exploring NEW freelance careers this year, then you need to know about my friend Craig Cannings’ free event next week.

Craig owns Freelance University and on Thursday, January 13th at 1pm PT (4pm ET) he’s hosting a workshop next week called, “Discover the Top 8 Freelance or Virtual Assistant Careers for 2022.”

If you haven’t heard me talk about Craig before, I love what he and his wife have built (think Netflix for freelancers).

They’ve helped over 25,000 students uncover their ideal freelancer services and will help you to do the same!

In this free workshop, you will discover…

A simple 4-step process to guide you to a Freelance Career suited to your interests, background and current stage of lifeEight flexible and profitable Freelance careers you can do from home or anywhereThe best places to find and meet your ideal client in 2022The fastest way to level up your skills and prepare for your best year ever.
Plus, when you register, you will also receive the 2022 Freelance Job Guide which will uncover the best places to find freelance and VA opportunities this year!

Don’t miss this workshop as it just might open doors to some exciting possibilities this year.

Who knows, you might just figure out what you want to be when you grow up 

Secure your spot now!

Success Habits to Grow Your Business in 2022 (10 SHOCKINGLY EASY TIPS!)

With the New Year having just begun, I have been thinking a lot about goals.

But it turns out, your goals are not the key to success.

Habits are.

Habits we try to make, like going to the gym more consistently or marketing our business every day.

Habits we try to break, like eating so many sweets (guilty!) or turning on Netflix instead of hitting the sack.

Successful people know that their habits are what get them to their goals. So I wondered – what are the habits successful people share?

I actually came up with TEN! And I put them all in a brand new episode of FreeMamaTV that came out today.

It’s my first new episode in a while, and not to toot my own horn, but I really think it’s worth the watch.

Oh!  And make sure you stick around until the end, because I share with you a resource that will help you set your business up for success.

P.S. Wondering how to get clients as a virtual business owner? Watch last week’s episode to hear some tips on how to get clients fast!

And don’t forget to subscribe to Free Mama TV so you’re alerted each and every time a new episode drops!

Happy New Year (plus some free goodies!)

Happy New Year, Mama!

It feels like a fresh start, right?! A clean slate. A new beginning.

And it can be…

If you follow through.

The truth is, today isn’t that much different than yesterday (except for the massive temperature swing and snow we’re getting today in Kansas City!).

You can choose to start something new ANY day.

And to really make a change, you’ll have to choose that new thing again. And again. And again. Until it’s no longer a choice, but a habit.

If today is Day 1 of your new life as a virtual business owner, I’m so excited for you! Congratulations on taking that first step!

I want to give you some of my favorite free videos and downloads to help get you started (no opt-ins required!).





Now it’s important to understand that these awesome free tools – and all of the coaches, courses, and programs in the world – can only take you so far.

You’ve got to believe in yourself, take that first step (even when you don’t think you’re ready), and show up committed to becoming the person you want to be each and every day.

The good news is that as a Free Mama you’ll never have to do it alone. Make sure you’ve introduced yourself in our free Facebook Group and tag me if you need anything at all.

I’m rooting so freaking loudly for you!

To achieve the totally awesome, guilt-free life you desire in 2022!

P.S. Wondering how to get clients as a virtual business owner? Watch last week’s episode to hear some tips on how to get clients fast!

And don’t forget to subscribe to Free Mama TV so you’re alerted each and every time a new episode drops!

21 Takeaways from 2021

I just boarded a train heading home from a few days in Chicago with my family, and I’m thinking about my biggest takeaways from 2021.

This year was challenging for me in a lot of ways, and I know taking the time to reflect on lessons learned is exactly where massive growth happens!

These are for me, but I’m writing them down hoping they will benefit you, too.

1. You can’t make everybody happy, but…
2. You can choose to prioritize your happiness!
3. When you get really good at something, people will notice. Some people will copy or even steal from you. You cannot stop them, but…
4. You can choose how you react to any situation.
5. It’s unrealistic to think you’ll be working with the same clients/team members forever, because…
6. Sometimes you have to let people go to grow, and
7. People are messy.
8. Usually, when you’re upset about something it’s because you’re being triggered by something you need to work on.
9. Nothing will hold you back like indecision.
10. No matter what you’re going through, there is someone else going through something similar. So…
11. The more you are willing to open up and be vulnerable, the less alone you’ll feel.
12. Books are really powerful tools.
13. If you keep finding yourself in the same frustrating situation over and over again, stop complaining and ask yourself what you’re supposed to learn here.
14. You’ll only be as successful as you truly believe yourself to be. A business cannot outgrow its leader.
15. Time really does get faster every year… stop wasting it on worry.
16. Self-care isn’t just about working out or getting enough sleep – it’s literally how you treat your mind, body, AND soul.
17. JOMO (Joy of Missing Out) > FOMO (Fear of Missing Out)
18. The faster you try, the faster you fail, the faster you figure it out, the faster you succeed. Fail fast and often!
19. It’s okay to not be everything to everybody. It’s actually more than okay.
20. In-person connection is absolutely essential, especially for online business owners.
21. Your values and boundaries will define how happy you are as a business owner – exercise both of them often.

Well looky there – I got to 21  Do you share any of these 21 lessons learned in 2021.

Now let’s apply them in the New Year!

You asked, We listened

We had a lot of conversations last week before Christmas during our Team Mama 2022 planning day.

Incorporating feedback from YOU is super important to serving our mission at The Free Mama.

So here’s how we’re closing out the year, based on your feedback…

1. You Asked For More Info About Free Mama Live

FML is coming up March 25-26 in Kansas City! This in-person, 2-day event is for current freelancers looking to scale their business income – without burnout or insane hours. You’ll walk away understanding things like:

-How to pitch premium pricing without batting an eyelash
-How to add top-dollar, high-impact offerings like VIP Days (that don’t suck all your time)
-Which diversified revenue streams make the most sense to add to your business growth
-How to create leverage in your marketing, systems, and offers (so you can make more while working less… for real)
-How to master attraction marketing and get your ideal clients to say YES fast (even in an oversaturated digital landscape)

Plus, we’ve got an AWESOME lineup of outstanding speakers….including Ryann Dowdy, Jordan Gill, Kathryn Jones (back by popular demand for round 3!), McCall Jones, and more to come!

In addition to standout keynotes, you can expect:

-A personalized roadmap to scale in a way that doesn’t compromise your lifestyle goals
-Tons of networking
-Genuine connections with your online business besties IRL
-Personal growth and recharging

FML will fill your heart and mind, and give you the tools to fill your bank account, too. You deserve this, Mama!

2. You Asked Us To Make FML Easier To Attend

Tickets to Free Mama Live include:

-2 Full Days of Next-Level Training
-World-Class Guest Speakers
-Exclusive Free Mama Swag + Workbook
-Private FML 2022 ONLY FB GROUP
-Event Portal Access + Recordings
-Free the Mamas Awards Ceremony
-Saturday Night Special Event
-Networking and Connection with Free Mamas
-Lots of surprises…

Tickets are already available, and nearly a third of them are snatched up.

We want to make the investment easier on your cash flow, so we’ve added a payment plan AND a limited number of online-only tickets.

Click here to save your spot now!

3. You Asked For A Free Mama “Try Before You Buy” Option

Our new Squad Trial Membership gets you ALL of our course and coaching perks, without a long-term commitment or major investment.

Unlocked Access to the complete Freedom Framework AND bonuses
-Multiple opportunities for live coaching each week inside our Classrooms and Coaching calls
-Weekly Office Hours for ongoing support from the Free Mama Team
-Placement inside a small Accountability Group with other Free Mamas
-Access to trainings by Guest Mentors on the latest software, niches, strategies, and industry trends
Networking Calls to help you get your services in front of other business owners
-Membership to our Free Mama Interest Groups to help you improve your money mindset, mental and physical health.
-And so much more!!!

You can now unlock one month of access to our premier program so you can make sure you love it before you go all in!

4. You Asked For Faster Results…

Okay, you didn’t actually ask us for this one, but I know you want them. You want to make this freelancing thing work, and you need to see your hard work paying off in the form of paying clients!

We are constantly refining our process and programs to help you get faster results, which is why this month we brought in a Sales expert who is coaching 3x a month inside the Free Mama Squad. She is a dream and already has our members taking strategic action, and getting real results (AKA clients!!!)


Join the squad and get faster results in your business too!

Wishing you a great last week of 2021!