And so many mamas stress about having to do both at the same time!
McCall Jones is doing her workshop “The Non-Pushy Way To Get Freelancing Clients with Video” for FREE and it’s game-changing for all my Freelancing Mamas.
Video doesn’t have to be stressful… it can be a secret weapon. And best of all, McCall has a system for bringing out your authentic self on video!
(Don’t stress! We’ve got a solution!)
McCall is going to teach us “The Non-Pushy Way Freelancing Mamas Can Get More Clients w/ Video”.
When was the last time you were truly inspired? Driven? Fulfilled?
These were the questions I started asking myself when COVID hit. I’m sure you’ve asked yourself these questions, too.
I used to LOVE working outside the home. I loved my job. I loved learning for my job. And to be quite honest, I think I am pretty darn good at it. (I’m a high school tech teacher).
I never thought I would want to be a work-at-home mama, until I was forced to do it.
Did I mention I also had my 3rd baby in March of 2020?
Just when I thought I was going to get to enjoy a “normal” maternity leave, the whole world went on leave with me.
I was forced to figure out the juggling act of working from home and keep my family thriving.
It was hard. Like really hard.
But then we figured it out. And it was awesome. Like really awesome.
For the past two years, I have had this silent urge to rearrange my priorities.
Why was my job getting the best of me and my family what was left of me?
This past Fall I took a group of students to visit my alma mater and got to sit in on a college class with them.
I looked around the room and emotion just took over me.
I nearly started crying (and I am not a cryer).
These kids had a passion for learning. They were eager for their futures. They were PASSIONATE about something.
That used to be me and I realized I couldn’t remember the last time I was passionate about my job.
I have been completely complacent, which has never been a term to describe me.
I am only 30. I have been stuck in a half-in/half-out mindset (aka. The Fence).
And that scared the heck out of me.
I left that college classroom with a new promise to myself.
I was going to pick a side of the fence to fall on.
Either I am going to do the work and figure out how to find passion in working my 9-5 again, which could possibly come at the expense of my family, or I was going to find another path and COMMIT to it.
Do you remember in school when you had to introduce yourself to the rest of class and your heart rate increased, your hands started sweating and you just wanted to run and hide?
I know that sometimes talking about your virtual business can feel a lot like that.
Trust me, I’ve been there. And it wasn’t just about strangers, it was about feeling awkward or salesy sharing with family and friends, too.
Take a look at these recent #freemamawins from our community…
-Ashley booked 3 clients THIS WEEK -Brandi is fully booked for the month of March -Whitney had her last day at her 9-5 -Brittany made it to $100K in her business -Bianca just booked with her DREAM client -Terrika had a former client come back -Meagan added a new member to her team -Casey is earning the equivalent to 4 MONTHS’ salary at her old job for one project
And that’s just to name a FEW. We’re really just scratching the surface here!
Now think, what are your goals?
How much money do you want to make this year in your freelance business? $5,000? $15,000? $50,000?
Whatever your goal is, break that down. How many clients do you need, per month, to reach your goal?
Let’s say your goal is $5,000/month. How can you get there?
You could do 50 $100 projects – I’m exhausted thinking about it! 5 $1000 projects – This is more reasonable! 3 retainer clients at $1500-$2000/month
However you’ve decided to break it down, the first thing you need to reach your goal is to GET A CLIENT.
I’ll bet you’re asking, “How on earth do you do that?”
The simple answer is, by reaching out to people and asking them about their business, and providing a solution they can’t refuse.
You’ve got to wrangle the kids, keep them fed, clean the house, pay the bills, and maaaaaybe even have time to brush your teeth some mornings.
If you’re looking for a little down time, maybe you head out to the grocery store. That’s your break.
The idea was to start a freelance business so that you could earn money and control your time. And yet somehow:
Do you ever feel like your to-do list is nuts?
You’ve got to wrangle the kids, keep them fed, clean the house, pay the bills, and maaaaaybe even have time to brush your teeth some mornings.
If you’re looking for a little down time, maybe you head out to the grocery store. That’s your break.
The idea was to start a freelance business so that you could earn money and control your time. And yet somehow:
😩 Between the kids and the house and the day job, you’re working all the time. 😩 Any time you have a minute to sit down, you feel guilty and jump up to complete a task. 😩 You’re stressed a lot of the time, and you feel like there’s no way out. 😩 Also, the idea of working fewer hours and earning more money feels like a scam.
So… what if we cross a few things off your to-do list?
Like, what if you DIDN’T have to…
❌ Build a website ❌ Try to grow your social media ❌ Design a new logo ❌ Follow shiny objects
Because the thing is, NONE of those tasks will get you closer to your business goals.
My favorite internet-friend-I’ve-yet-to-meet-in-real-life Abbi has been freelancing for a LONG time.
She has over TWENTY years of experience as a freelance writer, and she’s super clear on what WORKS and what DOESN’T when you’re looking for clients.
Abbi has five kids. Two of them have special needs. She lives in Israel, in a tiny little town where sometimes kids ride down the street on donkeys.
She has to stay focused, or she’ll never have time to do ANYTHING.
She’ll help you STOP doing the stuff that doesn’t get you anywhere, and show you how to make the MOST of the time you actually have WITHOUT losing your mind.
Every Friday we share our #freemamawin posts in the Facebook Group, but Free Mama Live is like the Oscars for freelancing moms (fancy attire totally optional).
You put in the work. You put yourself out there. You put your fears to the side. You’re DOING IT!
And, as adults, there are SO few opportunities to be acknowledged for these massive accomplishments.
So at Free Mama Live this year… we are going to make a BIG STINK. It’s going to be super embarrassing when I cheer so loud for you… and you’re going to love it.
But let’s recap what you’ll experience at the event first:
For 2 days, you’ll be surrounded by people who are ahead of you in areas of their business (and you’ll be able to encourage the mamas who are right behind you.)
You’ll get to talk to me, our speakers, and award-winning Free Mamas and ask us questions about our systems, networking, outsourcing, marketing and sales strategies, and more.
How cool will it be to get all of that information straight from the women who are actually doing it?
You’ll sit among the “Famous” Free Mamas…
You’ll be able to talk with our 6 and 7-figure award winners during breaks…
You’ll be guided by our world-class speakers on exactly how they did it…
You can ask us your burning questions about our businesses (or about your business)…
And network with us before and after each session…
Can you imagine what you could learn (and apply) from just ONE conversation?
Next month, moms are flying from all over the country to be together at Free Mama Live in Kansas City.
But we know not everyone can make it in-person, and that’s why we added a virtual option, as well.
Whatever you need to push your business forward…whether you need help with your niche, your systems, your offer, or something else… I promise you that you want to be with us so you can connect with the exact person you need to learn from.
So if you’ve gotten your first paying client or quit your job, hit a $1k or $5k month, or grossed $100k-$1M in business, submit your application here.
And if you haven’t earned our top awards yet, then FML is the absolutebest place to learn the strategies to take your business to the next level without sacrificing your personal life.
You know that feeling when you desperately want something better, but you’re sooo stuck on knowing what step to take?
Brittney, a graduate of the Free Mama Movement, knows that feeling all too well
This is the inspiring story of how she used her rent money to attend an event that helped her launch a thriving virtual business that has allowed her to travel, spend more time with her kiddos, and tap into the work and friendships that light her up every day.
In 2019, Brittney was working at a 9-5 that barely paid her enough to cover the bills. She didn’t have anything left over for activities for her son, let alone anything for herself.
She felt overworked, undervalued, and was constantly looking for a way out.
That’s when she heard about our 3 Day Free Mama event, and she knew if she wanted something to be different, she had to try something different!
She believed that she could make this freelancing thing work for her, but she was scared out of her mind to spend the money to travel to Texas for the live event.
Brittney was convinced the event could change her life and desperately wanted to be in the room with other Free Mamas, but what would happen if she didn’t make her investment back?
Fast forward to the event, Brittney (terrified) approached one of the speakers who is a huge success in his field.
She let him know that she loved the information he shared and that she would love to learn from him. She asked if he needed any additional support in his business where she could gain more experience as a VA and continue to learn from him.
He became her first client, and they worked together for nearly a year!
Here are just a few things Brittney shared with me about attending a Free Mama event: The event was a launching pad for my business and put a fire under my butt
I made some great friendships that are still strong 3 years later
I was so pumped and motivated by the energy, speakers, and stories of all the other women that I gained the confidence to do scary (and necessary) things to finally make money in my business
After FML, Brittney transitioned into an Online Business Manager and raised her rates, and has since completed her Director of Operations certification. Her business supports her family and the activities they now get to do together!
Yes, you will walk away with a plan to grow the bottom line that will also allow you to do fun stuff.
You will bond with an amazing community of Free Mamas looking to find freedom while making an impact in the world.
And you’ll enjoy hearing inspiring speakers like Kathryn Jones, McCall Jones, Jordan Gill, Ryann Dowdy, Laura Couvillon, Garrett Poole, and more. These powerhouse leaders have gone through similar issues as you are now, so you can start implementing their strategies in your own business.