Get Re-Inspired By Your Business

A few weeks ago, I decided it was time to shift the conversation on my Instagram away from making more money.


Well, I think there is a big misconception out there that if you could just make more money, your problems will be solved, life will get easier, and you’ll finally be happy!

More Money = More Freedom



If you’re passionate about your work, but not making enough money to support your lifestyle, resentment and burnout will follow.

If you’re profitable but lack passion for what you do, your work will feel empty and unfulfilling.

And if you have passion and profit, but no peace — no time for self-care, family, or the things that bring you joy — the success feels hollow.

There IS a middle sweet spot 👇

When your passion fuels your profit, your profit supports your peace, and your peace allows you to fully embrace your passion…

That, my friend, is FREEDOM.

Does it require you to have the skills to make money in your business?

Yes, absolutely.

It is the currency that will give you the time leverage you’re after to do more of what you want.

However, if you build a business the wrong way, a business you don’t enjoy working in, or you’re constantly just striving for more, more, more… well, you won’t feel free at all.

If freedom is something you’re after, in business and life, keep reading.

So often, we chase after just one of these things at a time — passion, profit, or peace — thinking that it will bring us the success we so desperately crave.

True freedom comes when ALL THREE are working together in harmony.

That’s when the magic happens ✌️❤️💰

Are you leaning too heavily into one area while neglecting the others?

Are you overwhelmed with decision-making and all the information out there?

Are you sick of second-guessing yourself and always putting your needs last?

If you’re done treading water and you’re ready to find true freedom, the kind that makes you giddy just thinking about it, join me and other Free Mamas creating THIER VERSIONS of freedom-based businesses.

It’s all wrapped up in the community I wish I would have had on my path to freedom…

The Free Mama Membership.

What exactly will you get? Great question.

  • How to make even more money in your business (whether you’re brand new or making 6-figures!)
  • My exact framework that helped me ditch limiting beliefs for good
  • Accountability and solidarity so you’re never left wondering what to do next or struggling to get it done
  • How to determine which offers are worth your effort (and which aren’t)
  • Specific solutions that helped me say goodbye to constant pushing so I could create my dream life that I wish more people knew
  • And so much more!

If you want access to the step-by-step programs, live coaching calls with Lauren, and a private community (off social media), then say yes to yourself and join The Free Mama Membership today.

Burnout is not a badge of honor

So many online business owners buy into the dangerous lie that constant overwhelm and exhaustion are just part of hustling harder for success.

If you want more you have to do more, right?!


In fact, you may be speeding toward burnout and not even realize it. Here are a few signs:

  • You’re exhausted All.The.Time. You’re mentally and physically fatigued, but you don’t know how to ask for help or slow down.​
  • You used to love your clients, but lately you’ve been feeling a little bit irritable or even resentful.
  • You’re unable to switch off from work-mode during family time, and cannot remember the last time you did something just for yourself.

What if instead of pushing through the stress for validation or money or reputation or whatever else you’re seeking…

…you nurtured a business aligned with your TRUE priorities?

One that allows you to make an impact through your unique zone of genius, serve others from an inspired place, and enjoy the journey…WITHOUT killing yourself or missing what matters most along the way.

If you’re burnt out, feeling unaligned, and need more freedom…The Free Mama Membership is for you. 

Avoid burning it down in 2024 

If you’re like me, around this time you’re re-evaluating your strategies, habits, and schedule for the year to come.

You may be finding yourself looking for ways to release things (or people) that no longer serve you.

You’re probably also taking inventory of what it’s really going to take to hit your goals.

Here’s my shortlist:

IN: simplified offers and intentional top-down marketing, plenty of quiet time, outsourcing

OUT: playing small, doing things just because other people are, not asking for help

My word for the year is RISE and I plan to bring you with me 😉

Welcome to 2024… it’s already here!

In Today’s Blog:

    1. Roadmap for Success 🚗
    2. Avoid burning it down in 2024 🔥
    3. A Step-by-Step Guide to Self-Publishing 📚

Get Your 2024 Strategic Plan 🚗

A couple of weeks ago I walked my clients through a 12-month strategic planning session in just 90 minutes.

I’m a big believer in working a plan and making adjustments based on data, rather than chucking spaghetti against a wall (on the nights you actually cook) and seeing what sticks.

This isn’t just something I’m teaching, I’m also using this process and I’m further ahead than I’ve ever been on January 4!

The feedback from my clients was that this was our best annual roadmap training yet, so we wanted to give you one last chance to build a 12-month Strategic plan that is simple, easy to follow, and effective.

Get My 2024 Roadmap

How to Get Everything You Want from Your Business in 2024 🔥

Are you looking to make more money while working less hours in your business this year?

Join me for a brand-NEW free training designed specifically for moms with businesses who want to make more money to fund their dream lives, but don’t want to work full-time hours or stretch themselves thin.

We’re going to cover how to find the model that supports your goals, ways to optimize your revenue without working more hours, and how to align your values and purpose so you don’t build a business out of alignment with what you want your life to look like.

You’ll also get a behind-the-scenes look at what’s happening inside my business this quarter.

Mark your calendars for Wednesday, February, at 12:00pm CT. 

See you there!

Head to The Free Mama Movement Facebook Group and watch for the link, coming soon!

Publish a Book this Year…Yes You! 📚

Back in 2018, I published my first book. It was a dream come true, but honestly, it wasn’t cheap. I invested a ton of time, money, and energy into a publisher, ghostwriter, copyeditor, and sound editor.

Would I do it again?

YES! Because that book became a huge marketing tool for my business, but also a big credibility boost as a speaker and coach. Plus, it helped me get it done with the limited information I had.


As I looked at writing and publishing more books in 2023 (and more to come in 2024), I knew I needed a different approach that was quick and inexpensive.

If becoming a published author or adding a passive revenue stream is on your vision board for this year, you’ll want to learn from my friend Jenny. 

Check out Jenny’s self-study program. 

Ready to Become a Free Mama?

    1. Subscribe to FreeMamaTV for brand new episodes every Tuesday.

    1. Improve your marketing strategy and land your next client.

    1. Join the Free Mama membership and get the life-first business results you crave.

    1. Attend an in-person retreat and change your life forever.

A Tale of Two Weekends

Lauren Golden of The Free Mama talks about investing in yourself and investing in your marriage, outside of freelance virtual administrative business.A couple months ago, my coach posted that she’d be hosting a mastermind weekend in Las Vegas in October. Within minutes, I had booked plane tickets, because I knew that I wanted to be there — for myself and for my business.

Here’s the thing: I booked those tickets before I knew who would take care of my children (I have three, in case you’re counting). I booked those tickets before I worked out the details.

Leap, and the net will appear.

First say yes, then figure out how.

Pick whatever mantra you want, sometimes, you have to take bold action to move forward.

And yes, I am talking about you and your business, mama. That client you’re afraid to pitch? That service you’re hesitant to offer? Get out there and do it!

COMMIT. Show up. Say yes — and then worry about the how. Because you know enough now. You’re good enough now. And waiting is only going to delay the start of the rest of your life.

And Mama, don’t think that I’m perfect over here. I’ve had to do some hard work to get to this place. Past Lauren might not have been able to take this action.


But Present Lauren knows that logistics will always be overwhelming — and they can still be managed. More importantly, Present Lauren understands the importance of moving forward all the time.

Honestly, Mama, if you weren’t scared some of the time, I’d be worried about you. Change is HARD. But the results are GOOD.

And here’s another thing Present Lauren knows: Brittany Spears and Bruno Mars are AWESOME.

…what does that have to do with anything, you wonder? Well, let me tell you.

Last year, I surprised my car-loving husband with tickets to the Formula One race in Austin. For him, it was all about cars, racing, and free alcohol. For me, it was about Justin Timberlake. And free alcohol.

So when the reminder popped up about this year’s Formula One event, the part that spoke to my heart was the part about Brittany Spears and Bruno Mars.

A kid-free weekend with great music, free drinks, no kids — yeah, that was a no brainer.

For example, I saw a post on Facebook recently by a mom who is open about her attachment parenting choices. She believes that her children can only feel safe and loved when they are with her. But, her post was full of resentment.

However, Mama, this is NOT about your parenting choices. We all want the best for our children, and that can look different for each of us. Heck, it can look different for each kid!

My own parenting style, for example, has evolved over the years. My first two children were exclusively breastfed for a long time. They were lovingly cloth diapered, and their baby food, when it was introduced, was handmade by me.

My third child eats cat food. #nojudgement

MY POINT IS that resentment doesn’t look good on anyone.

If you’re at the point where you resent your children, you need a break. What that looks like varies — it could be a daily 5 am run, a weekly coffee with a friend, a monthly massage, or a weekend away with your husband — or something else entirely.

It’s important to miss your kids and to let yourself feel that. To connect with your husband. It’s important not to resent your family.

What are you doing to invest in yourself, your marriage, your business, your life, Mama?

Take a good look at your cup, and if it’s empty, think about how you can fill it.

Having It All Is Better Than Doing It All

Today I've decided that I quit. It wasn't an easy decision. I mean, it stinks. I've been doing it for 5 years! But enough is enough. And I'm happier for it.

They say “quitters never win, and winners never quit.”


Today I’ve decided that I quit.

It wasn’t an easy decision. I mean, it stinks. I’ve been doing it for 5 years! But enough is enough. And I’m happier for it.

I’m talking about cloth diapering.

Don’t get me wrong, it was great while it lasted. Many of the cloth diapers were gifted to me at my first baby shower before Daphne was born. The adjustable buttons allowed these green alternatives to grow with each of my first two children. These puppies saved me a fortune on disposables over the years. As long as you don’t hate poop or laundry, cloth diapers are an amazing alternative.

Until you have three children.

I literally cannot wrap my head around something that cannot be thrown in the garbage in the middle of the Houston Rodeo or at the neighborhood playground.

Our busy family is on the go. All. The. Time.

And so after only one week of cloth diapers, I’m calling it quits.

I could look at this as a failure in my efforts to be green and, more importantly for my family, save money. Plus, I did it with my first two children, how could I not just keep it together for my third? Yet…

I see it as a total win.

I’ve won back more time with my family or to work on my business, even if it is just minutes each day – it all adds up! I also ditched one thing from my daily to-do list and freed up our washer/dryer for the mountains of clothes my family of five creates.

Quit trying to do it all.

Seriously. Why are you doing it to yourself?

While I’m a huge advocate of having it all, doing it all is just crazy talk. In fact, even trying to do it all will probably prevent you from feeling fulfilled because you’ll be so dang tired all the time.

The biggest thing moms forget is that in order to truly feel happy – and feel like we have it all – we have to let go sometimes.

Maybe it’s not taking on that volunteer gig. Perhaps it’s knowing when to hire someone to clean your house or mow your lawn. Other times it means knowing when to straight up quit, like I did.

Are you doing something that doesn’t bring you happiness or taking on way too much right now?

If you’re feeling overwhelmed or exhausted, I encourage you to find something to cut out.

You’ll be the winner in the long run.

[tweetthis remove_twitter_handles=”true” remove_hidden_hashtags=”true” remove_hidden_urls=”true”]Trying to do it all will probably prevent you from feeling fulfilled because you’ll be so dang tired all the time.[/tweetthis]

Do you want to try cloth diapers? Target now carries my favorite brand, bumGenius. Comment below if you’re a first time user…I’ve got tons of tips to get you started like a pro!


Balance doesn’t mean perfect

balance doesn't mean perfect

Yesterday I realized that all month I’ve unintentionally been blogging around the same theme: not being so hard on myself.

Maybe it’s because my house has been decorated with store-bought Valentines that remind me February is about love. Or maybe it’s because my children have been sick for what seems like months and so I haven’t been my usual productive self. {Note: Daphne is home sick today as I write this!}

Whatever the reason, I have obviously been struggling to find a balance between my new business and my family lately. As a result, I’ve felt the need to compensate my shortcomings with a little personal TLC.

For some of you, that may mean a pedicure or a new outfit. But if you’re like me, it may be simply acknowledging that you’ve done your best, abandoning the critical voices in your head, and feeling grateful that tomorrow you get to try again.

Then today I came across this quote while reading an article about momtrepreneurs:

Balance doesn’t mean perfect.

Wow! For someone who can be incredibly hard on herself {ahem}, this really hit home.

It’s so easy to compare ourselves to other women. When we look through the social media lenses at others it often leaves us with an unrealistic {and often unattainable} version of how perfect their lives must be. In turn, we harshly criticize our own flaws when we aren’t fulfilling this “perfect” version of ourselves.

Last time I checked, I’m far from perfect. I snapped at my husband. I let my daughter watch too much television. I didn’t clean up the cereal my son managed to dump out in every room in our house. I forgot to feed the cats. I was late to a meeting {which never happens}. And that’s just what I recall from before 2 p.m. today.

As moms, I’m sure we can all agree that we make mistakes all the time. We are imperfect. We don’t expect everyone around us to be flawless, so why do we expect it from ourselves? I’ve frequently told my friends that the best part of having toddlers is that they’re so forgiving {and it doesn’t hurt that their memories aren’t always stellar}. I almost enjoy the moments when I take my daughter aside and tell her that mommy was wrong and she’ll do better next time. I want her to remember those times so that she learns to take ownership of her own bad choices, too.

This got me thinking. Why do moms, especially working moms, talk about balance like it too is an unattainable thing, just like perfection is?

Why are we pursuing a work-life balance?

What is balance?

Balance is the ability to move or remain in a position without falling. It implies shifting, wobbling, wiggling and sometimes, yes, even staying still. What better metaphor for taking on all of the ups and downs and back and forths that both a career and a family bring?

I envision a woman walking around trying to balance a bunch of books on her head {stay with me here…}. She has her “work” book. Her “family” book. A book for friends, her hobbies, her guilty pleasures. Each book is a different size and different weight. Sometimes new books have to be added to the stack and sometimes books fall off. And that’s okay, too.

A work-life balance isn’t a destination; it’s about how we walk through life balancing books on our heads. Balance has nothing to do with perfection at all.

Maybe it’s because I’ve committed to going easier on myself this month, but when it comes to balance I think I’m doing a pretty good job. I spend quality time with my family every single day; some days more than others, of course. I invest in my work through business development, strategy creation and client relations, which brings me professional satisfaction and a sense of accomplishment. I make efforts to connect with my friends, schedule date nights with my husband, and I even try to squeeze in some time for exercise these days.

I see balance as carrying your favorite books with you {not worrying about how many books everyone else has} and doing your best not to drop them.

And even if you do, load the important books right back on top of your head again. Shift, wobble, wiggle or even stay a little more still this time until you regain your balance. Then be grateful you get to try again tomorrow.

After all, balance doesn’t mean perfect.

How I’m cleaning up my work from home life

Friday is here which means I’ve survived my second week working from home. While I managed to stay on task and get my work complete, I cannot say that I was a role model for establishing some healthy work habits.

Earlier this week, I panicked. My sweet darlings are home with me on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, which means I work quite a bit in the evenings. {A trade off I welcomed in exchange for more time with my family.}

Tuesday morning went all right. We painted and built race car tracks and played school bus. We kept busy, which kept the peace.

By mid-morning; however, things took a turn for the worse. I got anxious about my looming list of things to do before the kids returned to school on Thursday morning. I constantly felt pulled to respond to emails or do just one little thing that would earn a check mark of accomplishment on my to-dos. But my obviously distracted parenting led my children into one of the hardest places to come back from in our house.


When my nearly four-year-old daughter gets bored, she turns into a whining, lethargic television magnet. She won’t play. She won’t read. She won’t color. {But she will repeatedly tell you that she won’t play, read or color.} My husband and I try to limit the amount of TV time she gets, but she eagerly cashed in her 30 minutes with Mickey Mouse for the day by 10 a.m.

My toddler actually plays really well by himself most of the time. He loves his cars and books and trains. But when he gets bored, he throws stuff. He punches stuff. Or breaks stuff. Sometimes all three at once. He sure knows how to liven up this bore-fest.

That is when it hit me. Literally. My son hit me with a cardboard book as if to say “hey, read this to me NOW!” Daphne looked up from the hot dog dance. Henry flashed his innocent doe-eyes at me as if he hadn’t just chucked Little Blue Truck at my head. I was so preoccupied reading through emails during what was supposed to be family time that I probably hadn’t even noticed my son’s non-violent attempts at getting me to read to him.

It was time to set some boundaries. For myself.

Email Overhaul

I decided right then and there before my new book bump had even finished forging onto my noggin that if I couldn’t be strong-willed enough to not check my emails, then I just had to get rid of them altogether.

For Christmas, my husband gifted me an old, broken iPhone of mine that he had restored so that my 1,500+ photos and videos could be salvaged. I’d been using it as an iPod the last few weeks since it still carried all my old music on it, too.

I retrieved the iPhone and got out my current Samsung Galaxy. I quickly removed all work-related email accounts from my current phone and uploaded them all into the iPhone. Ta da! Work phone, personal phone. My work phone stays tucked away on family days and {so far} has been enforced just as tightly as Daphne’s TV time.

Invest in Efficiency

Two things you should know about me if you don’t already. 1. I’m pretty frugal. 2. I’m an extremely efficient worker. With that being said, there are so many resources out there these days to streamline work flow, particularly for marketing and advertising agencies. I’ve always resisted the urge to take advantage of them, or would only utilize the services that were offered for free, because being a boutique agency I’m able to serve all of my clients in what I felt was a reasonable amount of time anyway.

But if by week two I was freaking out about getting everything done and subsequently hindering family time, it was time to loosen the purse strings to make an investment in my new business. While I may be incredibly quick and accurate at doing my work, why wouldn’t I want to couple that with a program that would continue to work for me on my days off?

First, I did a lot of research on programs that would assist me with the social media management component of my business. After a lot of comparisons – from price, to ability, to interface – I decided to sign up with Sendible. The best part? They offer a 1-month free trial, phone support, and training webinars.

Second, I signed up for QuickBooks Self-Employed. I’m already familiar with QuickBooks online from doing the books for my husband’s business a few years ago. It’s incredibly user-friendly and because it syncs directly to my bank account, I don’t have to remember to make any entries myself. Taxes are no joke and there are so many ways for small business owners to make mistakes. Investing in this online program allows me to work more closely with our CPA and track my income and expenses without being responsible for the initial recording of them.

Finally, I upgraded to Canva for Work. Canva is a great online resources for non-designers to pretend to be designers. While I’m fairly literate in InDesign and other Adobe products, I am not a trained graphic designer and have wasted quite a bit of time attempting to be one. I have used Canva for over a year to make really quality images to use for social media, signage, invitations and more. The reason I decided to up the ante from the free version is to save myself time. Canva for Work has the added benefit of saving everything you need for your brand{s}. You can save a color palettes, logos, templates, fonts and more. This investment was the hardest for me, because it seems like a luxury when it offers a great version at no cost. With that being said, I have huge plans for all of that time I intend to save not having to type in my hex colors each and every time I design an image.

I feel less stressed and less distracted already. These three investments were definitely worth it.

{Note: For print pieces and particular projects, there is absolutely NO substitute to a good graphic designer.}

Be the Teacher

I had to help oversee a work event for my former employer last week,  and while I was there someone said something that really resonated with me. She asked how winter break was and I mentioned that the dreaded ‘B’ word had sneaked its way into our house during the second week my kids were home from school. I added that they were looking forward to going back to school {mom included} because of the structure and plethora of activities coordinated by their teachers. She just looked at me and said, “you can be the teacher.”

Once I got past the idea of me standing in front of them singing songs about the weather in an attempt to replicate circle time, I realized that she probably meant that I could incorporate the things that my children respond to at school into our home. For my daughter in particular, I concluded that was the constant flow of predictable activity.

When it comes to my business, I plan. I schedule out my time for meetings, projects and emails. In order to be a teacher to my kids, I needed to apply these same principles to my household like a lesson plan.

I kept the entire family in mind as I lesson-planned. We all get stir-crazy, especially during these winter months, so I first looked for indoor activities that wouldn’t break the bank if we did them every week. My mom got us a family membership to Wonderscope Children’s Museum for Christmas, so {purely because they both start with the letter ‘W’} Wonderscope Wednesdays was born. It was easy to get both of my kids excited to pack up snacks and head out to play and learn.

Coming up with something to do on Tuesdays was a bit more challenging. While Kansas City has a ton to offer, I was determined to create some habits for our family to build some consistency in our new days-at-home schedule. After all, me being home with the kids isn’t just new and challenging for me. My daughter downsized from full-time 5 days a week pre-school, as well, and she’s had an equally difficult time adjusting to the unpredictability of each day.

This week I decided we’d go check out the Johnson County Library, something I thought was a luxury for stay-at-home parents. Well, we had a great experience and I learned a lot. {You can check out 150 books at a time. Everything is DYI with a library card. They have movies and video games. What?!} The best part? A 9:30 a.m. Tuesday morning story time kicks off next week. Jackpot! We’ve read the 4 books we checked out 1 million times and both kids are already asking when we get to go back and pick out more books. While I will continue to look for other free opportunities in town, it’s safe to say that Library Tuesday will become a thing. {Catchier name ideas are welcomed.}

It’s only been a week, but everything went swimmingly. I was more engaged with my children, didn’t spend any money, and honestly didn’t even think twice about my iPhone pinging away with emails at home. The best part? No one got bored.