STOP Looking for Stay-At-Home Mom Jobs!

This post is for perpetual planners (you know who you are).

You’ve been applying for jobs non-stop.

You’re fussing over your website, portfolio and brand.

You’ve polished your resume 14 times.

You have everything that you think you need.

Here’s why I’m telling you you should stop…

You’re wasting so much time and energy and not actually getting anything done.

The truth is there are two main reasons why we see moms get stuck in perpetual planning and not the actual doing.

Click here to find out which one you are guilty of..

I promise I’ll also give you the solution to your problem 😉

P.S. Want to learn how to get freelancing jobs without having to apply to them? Watch last week’s episode of FreeMamaTV.

And don’t forget to subscribe to Free Mama TV so you’re alerted each and every time a new episode drops!

High Paying Work from Home Jobs | NO Application Needed

Have you ever noticed how the same people get tagged for jobs in Facebook groups over and over again?

How cool would it be if you could be one of those people?

I remember a few years ago I was coaching Casey, an aspiring copywriter and all she wanted was to be known for copywriting the same way her mentors were.

Once she decided it was possible, everything changed for her!

I also remember working with Meagan Hernandez (you met her in last Thursday’s email).

In January of 2019 she went from no one knowing who she was to being tagged in every accounting, bookkeeping and tax-related question inside the Free Mama Movement Facebook Group.

Both of them now get a steady flow of quality referrals…without having to apply to freelancing jobs.

Do you want to be like Casey and Meagan?

Do you want to be tagged in every post relating to your niche, so that referrals just land in your lap?

Then you’re definitely going to want to watch today’s episode of FreeMamaTV.

P.S. Have you been dying to become a Digital Nomad but don’t know how because you have kids? Learn how Lauren has been doing it for three summers on last week’s epiosde.

And don’t forget to subscribe to Free Mama TV so you’re alerted each and every time a new episode drops!

How to be a Digital Nomad WITH KIDS

When I ask my students what “freedom” means to them, or what they would do if money wasn’t a concern, the vast majority say “travel the world.

But the whole point of The Free Mama is to teach moms how to live a totally awesome guilt-free life NOW… not someday.

We have a ton of resources on how to fund your dreamy trips, and so I wanted to put together a video diving into exactly how my family travels so much while working and parenting.

If you’re ready to stop dreaming of someday and live the nomadic life (or just take that long vacay) you’ve always wanted, this episode is for you.

Be sure to let me know in the comments where you’re going on your adventures!

P.S. Want some tipss and tricks on how to travel and work remotely? Check out last week’s episode to find out how to make travel and work a breeze.

And don’t forget to subscribe to Free Mama TV so you’re alerted each and every time a new episode drops!

You aren’t alone

I need to tell you about Leandra, because I feel like her story really hit home and could help a lot of you with where you may be right now.

So many of us can relate to feeling stuck…having to leave our babies…the guilt…the heartbreak!

You are NOT alone in how you are feeling, and Leandra’s story is proof of that! I’m going to let her tell it herself:

“I started my career as a research chemist for 6 years, then while I was pregnant with my first daughter I worked on becoming a certified high school math teacher.

As my family grew, my priorities changed. The extra time during the summer and around the holidays was nice, but I was working so much during the school year that some days the only time I got with my kids was a story and snuggle before bed.

I was exhausted, had no energy to interact with my kids, and was struggling to bond with my second daughter who was born after my second year of teaching.

I distinctly remember sitting on the couch one evening in early January 2019. It was the end of winter break. We had spent all but the last 3 days traveling from Texas to Iowa and Wisconsin to see family. My 6 month old daughter was sick and I HAD to return to work the next day. My husband would stay home from work with her. I was tired, I was heartbroken, I was snuggling my babies on the couch, and I didn’t want to go back.

I started googling legit ways to make money from home.

I remembered a post someone had made in a local mom’s Facebook group months earlier about The Free Mama Movement, so I went searching. I scouted it out and a couple weeks later I bought the course.

I took it slow. I got my first client in July 2019, and a few months later decided that the 2019/2020 school year would be my last. It took me a long time to find my niche, but I never gave up. I did IG engagement, Pinterest management, general VA work, Google ads, tried to be an OBM, and more before finding ManyChat chatbots.

I now am co-founder and co-owner of The Marketing Sisters with my real-life sister.”

Do you see a pattern here?

Leandra, too, didn’t know where to begin.

She tried different niches (I’ve got a plan to help you with that if you are struggling in this area or not sure where to start), some that weren’t for her but SHE KEPT GOING.

She declared that the 2019/2020 school year would be her final year teaching…

And she figured it out!

Now she gets to lead a business with her sister, be home with her babies, and create opportunities and a life they both are excited about.

Do you dream of getting out of that stuck feeling and leading a business where you can thrive mentally and financially while ALSO being home with your babies and PRESENT with them every day?

Let me tell you that it’s possible.

All of these mamas we’ve been telling you about started with the Free Mama Movement and went for it.

I’m telling you these stories, because I want you to believe that you can do it, too.

And this summer, I want to help you do it even faster, so I decided to open up a few bonuses for this week only.

EVERYONE who signs up for the Free Mama Movement this week will get the full program and bonuses PLUS:

-A 1:1 call with yours truly (I don’t offer these anymore!)
-One month’s free access to the Free Mama Squad group coaching program
-ALL 6 of our trainings in the Riches in the Niches workshop series

What’s the Riches in the Niches series?

It is a series that is going to help you STOP stressing about the services you should offer or what you “might” be good at.

You can’t just be a “Jill of all trades” forever, and you won’t get anywhere if you “learn to death”. If you really want to take this to the next level you have to niche down and get really good at ONE thing, and I am going to help you discover what AND how in this series.

And you get it FREE…usually we charge for EACH of the series of trainings separately!

If you want in, join us here!

Here’s to freedom, mama!

This won’t happen overnight but when it does, get ready

I’m not going to lie…sharing all of these Free Mama spotlights is getting me pretty pumped.

So pumped that you’ll want to stick around until the end of this to hear what I am doing about it. 

Today I want to tell you about Jessica.

Jessica was previously an industrial engineer that led a team of engineers from all over Texas.

After she had her second son she decided to stay at home with her little ones and try out an MLM…

Like many of us, including me, Jessica soon found out that business model took a ton of her time and energy with very little reward, so she looked into something different.

She went on to get certified as a professional airbrush makeup artist and as she gained clients in this space, she found herself doing makeup for a ton of weddings and her Saturdays were soon all booked up…those Saturdays were prime days for her son’s sporting events and she quickly realized that wasn’t the goal in all of this either!

She said, “As my boys continued to grow up, I kept looking for something that would fill me up and something I could do that would allow me to not run around town, and work from home. I loved being a mom, but I knew I needed something for myself, too.”

Like many of you here, a Google search of how to stay at home and make money as a mom landed her here in the Free Mama Movement.

Jessica actually found out that I lived in Texas at the time as well and signed up for our first Free Mama event after learning about it from all of the videos she consumed on YouTube!

She decided to enroll for the Free Mama Movement the day before the event.

She said, “I was so excited and somehow I knew this was going to change my life. Literally the day before the event, I decided to sign up for The Free Mama Movement course. It was truly the most life-changing event and being surrounded by so many like-minded and successful women was so exciting.”

At that event, she started hearing about podcasting and it caught her attention, but she didn’t start in this niche.

She actually began freelancing as a social media manager, but it didn’t feel like the fit she was looking for.

She tried Funnel Hacking…it was interesting, but still not for her.

She had one potential client that wanted to launch a podcast and she decided to help her and that’s where it all began for Jessica!

She now offers complete podcast management which includes audio editing, show notes writing, audio/videograms, guest management, and of course podcast launches, with a bit of video editing for YouTube and corporate clients thrown in there, too.

Her clients are some of the most interesting people that interview amazing guests from authors and Oxford professors to celebrities!

Jessica shared something so important that I want you to take in right now…

“Finding your perfect niche might not happen overnight, but it will come to you, you just need to start with something because the skills you learn along the way will be beneficial for the niche you end up with. Even though social media management wasn’t my love, I do use the skills I learned doing this by making my client’s posts and audio/videograms for their podcast episodes as well as Podcast Cover Art.”

Read that again…IT DOESN’T HAPPEN OVERNIGHT but it will come to you through action!

Mama, you don’t have to have it all figured out before you start.

There is no perfect time to start your business, invest in a course to help get you there, hire a coach, quit your job, etc.

There will ALWAYS be something that you could use to hold you back.

If you want options, if you want something different, you have to take the chance.

Jessica heard about an event happening in Houston from some girl (me, ha!) she saw on YouTube.

She took the chance, she registered for that event just days before it started, and actually signed up for the Free Mama Movement Course BEFORE the event because she wanted something different for her future.

The last thing she said in her interview was, “I will be forever grateful for Lauren and her vision for her company. I would not be where I am today without her guidance throughout my online business journey.”

Jessica, I will be forever grateful for you being here and sharing your amazing journey with me and this community.

You deserve everything you have worked for! Keep crushing it, mama!

Are you ready to be like Jessica?

To take the leap, the risk, the chance on yourself?

If you have been reading these stories and you’re feeling inspired I want to invite you to join me in the Free Mama Movement.


What, you ask?

Anyone who joins us in The Free Mama Movement course this week is getting:

 A private 1:1 call with me as you get started (we’ll talk goals, fears, strategy, etc.)
 One month of access to the Squad group coaching program
 All 6 of the trainings of the Riches in the Niches Workshop Series (learn all about niching down)

I am going to dive into the juicy details in my emails this week, but if you are ready to dive in NOW you can join us here.

This opportunity closes this Friday (July 1) at MIDNIGHT so if you have any questions hit reply and send them over!

Excited for you to be our future Free Mama spotlight,

Exhibit A

Remember when I told you it was time to stop getting in your own way?!

I want you to know that there isn’t one type of background, degree or skill set that succeeds in this online world, and you don’t even have to have been doing the same type of work before…

Meet Sam.

Sam started as a cosmetologist but knew it wasn’t for her…but she still stuck that out for 6 years until she had her first baby.

That’s when she went back to school to become a medical assistant, which she loved!

She shared with me that she did that for another 8 years until her 2nd born was 6 months old and “I realized I was done paying a ridiculous amount of money to allow someone else to raise my child and care for him. I was essentially working to send him to daycare for 10 hours a day Monday-Friday.”

Gah, been there.

Sam tried to take a work-from-home job, but it just wasn’t working with her employers expectations.

Trying to work full time and be able to deliver what was expected of her job while having two little ones at home just wasn’t possible for her.

(Or anyone for that matter!)

After 8 months of trying to make it work, Sam dove into the Free Mama Movement.

Check out what she said…

“Exactly 1 year TO THE DAY that I quit my job and doing all of the things Lauren teaches us to do, I started working with a dream client and discovered the world of YouTube Strategy and Management. I became OBSESSED. I spent hours learning how it all worked and figuring out all of the tricks and now, never having had video editing experience or any ‘formal’ SEO training, I have my very own established and flourishing YouTube Strategy and Management business where I get to do EXACTLY what I love with EXACTLY the clients I want to work with.

This year, I am working on transforming my one-woman show into an agency. I am SO incredibly grateful for the things I have learned, and continue to learn, from Lauren!

I don’t know where I would be now if I never watched that original webinar or joined the Facebook group. It’s truly amazing the power that taking one, tiny chance can hold.”

My point in sharing this with you is to show you that things don’t happen overnight.

It takes time to learn new things and figure out your way…

But if you never start, you never try, you won’t ever get to that place at all.

Sam went from cosmetologist to medical assistant to IG strategist to YouTube strategist before she found what lit her up.

Don’t be discouraged that you don’t know where to start or what to do at this moment.

Take the time to learn from people who have walked that path before and dive into your why.

Whatever is pushing you to do this, lean into it.

Sam didn’t want to pay for someone else to raise her babies anymore and she realized working as an employee full time, even from home, just wasn’t for her.

You’ve got options.

Don’t be afraid to take them.

Not sure of what they are? Reply to this email and we’ll tell you the different ways we can support you.

And make sure you keep your eye on your inbox tomorrow because this is just one of the inspiring stories we have lined up for you this week!

I Have Something That Will Cheer You Up

“You can’t do it.” 

(This phrase makes my blood boil.)

Has anyone ever told you this?

Someone you care about, a stranger on the internet, or maybe the mean girl voice in your head.

For some of us, it’s the phrase that inspires us to move. To prove the person who said it wrong.

But for others, these words are what’s holding you back from even starting. From even trying.

Here’s the thing.

I don’t care if you have a degree or certification (and neither do your potential clients).

I don’t care if you haven’t done anything online before.

I don’t care if you know nothing about entrepreneurship and if everyone around you works a conventional 9-5.

And I REALLY don’t care what anyone else says.

There are options out there for you.

(In my next email, I’m going to show you exactly what I mean.)

In the Facebook group, every Friday, I have you share your #freemamawins and throughout the week, you share them in your posts.

And I really do read them all and cheer for each and every one of you.

But what I really want to do is share some stories that will inspire you. Because as I mentioned yesterday, I am kind of tired of hearing that it isn’t possible.

That you have this story or that challenge and that’s why it isn’t possible for you. That your situation is different.

I realize that we all have our own stories.

We all have challenges. Along with so many things, these challenges are what make us unique!

I always say there is no struggle-free life! (Just totally awesome guilt-free ones.)

I love that you all have a story and your own uniqueness…

But you’re seeing it as an obstacle, and I see it as your super power!

Use your story to fuel your path from here. Don’t let it be the excuse to stop you from even starting.

I am going to start shedding some light on some of our students who have defied the odds.

Who have done things differently.

Who did not give up.

Who used their story as their light to find their way.

Make sure you follow along this week… get ready to help me cheer them on, get ready to be inspired, and watch for something HUGE from me to help light your way, too!

Questioning Yourself?

I have seen an increase of self-doubt from you recently.

And I GET it. Trust me. I’ve seen it time and time again, I’ve done it myself.

We all get in our own way.

We all talk ourselves out of things because of fear.

Nervous and afraid of failing, you don’t want to step into something new…especially when the world feels so unstable these days.

And if you’re new here, you may be thinking: I don’t even know this girl, how can I trust her? How do I know if this whole freedom lifestyle thing is even real? Even possible?!

Again, I get it.

But I’m just a mom standing in front of another mom (metaphorically), asking for you to trust me.

Start by taking a look around The Free Mama Movement Group on Facebook.

Search the #freemamawin.

There are FIVE YEARS and thousands of wins of people landing clients, making money, hitting goals, quitting jobs, taking vacations and literally changing their lives.

Now, don’t tell yourself that it isn’t real.

Or that it isn’t possible.

Or worse, that it isn’t possible for YOU.

These mamas are you. Even if you don’t have the same experiences or background. You each have a story to tell and can achieve whatever you put your effort and belief behind.

Starting a virtual business isn’t just for a particular person or a particular experience level.

Or really a particular ANYTHING.

It’s about doing things differently.

It’s about giving yourself an option.

An option to live your life the way YOU want to.

These mamas in the Free Mama Movement group are proof of that.

These mamas are all different ages, with different experiences, stories, family sizes, challenges, etc.

What they all have in common is the drive to make their life different.

So, tell me, do you want something different then what you’re doing now? More freedom? More options?

Then welcome to the Free Mama Movement.

This next week we’re going to show you that anything is possible.

Tips and tricks for travel and work

Have you ever been told never to mix business with pleasure?

Well, I’m here to tell you the opposite.

The amazing thing about being your own boss is that you can work from wherever you want, something my husband and I do regularly so we can travel with our family.

In this week’s episode of FreeMamaTV you’ll discover some tips and tricks that I’ve picked up during the last couple of years of exploring the country by plane, train and automobile… and RV 

If one of your motivators for starting a virtual business is to travel more, this video is for you.

I promise it’s value packed!

Make sure you subscribe, because next week I’m getting into the nitty gritty of working on the road with kiddos!

P.S.Want a new way to make revenue in your business with no fulfillment on your end? Check out last week’s episode of FreeMamaTV where Lauren breaks affiliate marketing down for you.

And don’t forget to subscribe to Free Mama TV so you’re alerted each and every time a new episode drops!

For the Free Papas

We are celebrating Father’s Day today, are you?!

For a lot of Free Mamas, having a totally awesome guilt-free life also means making life better for our spouses.

I mean, just read this post from my friend and Free Mama, Noemi.

THIS is what being a Free Mama or Papa is about… creating a freedom business that lets your family really live.

Shout out to the mamas easing the financial burden or even trying to retire their spouses!

And, of course, a massive Happy Father’s Day to the dads of The Free Mama Movement! You are a small but mighty crew of brave men who resonate with our mission, and we adore you!

Not to be mushy, but without the support of the Original Free Papa, Justin Golden, the Free Mama may not even exist.

Becoming a Free Mama means putting in the work and even asking for more help with kids or housework, and that may not always be the easiest for your husbands, but I promise it pays off.

Being a true partner is about taking some of the weight off the heavy things, but also getting to actually enjoy the release of that weight.

We hope you (or your spouse) is enjoying the Free Papa life today.

Happy Father’s Day!